Deal All,

Like many others, I also would like to encourage to listen the  “In Our Time” 
BBC Radio 4 program next week as part of the Bragg Centenary Celebration.

Melvyn will have Prof Mike Glazer (Oxford), Dr Chris Hammond (Leeds) and Prof 
Judith Howard (Durham) as guests.

A subject not to be missed to those who like to called of crystallographers.

Isabel Moraes

On 22 Nov 2012, at 14:28, Martin Walsh wrote:

Martyn, your selling in our time short...I'd say it's always b*$&($ brilliant! 
-interesting to see who his guests will be next week to discuss the history of 
Bragg is the chancellor of Leeds university so it all fits rather well!

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Martyn 
Sent: 22 November 2012 14:13
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallography on BBC Radio 4 next week

I'd just like to comment that In Our Time is usually pretty good. I caught the 
end of this morning's program on the Borgias. After hearing about murder, 
nepotism and incest, it was a bit disorientating to hear Melvyn announce 
crystallography as the next subject :)


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Peter Keller
Sent: 22 November 2012 13:52
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallography on BBC Radio 4 next week

Dear all,

I have had several queries about this off-list, so here are some

I don't know if Melvyn Bragg is related to WL and WH Bragg. I doubt
it, but if he is maybe he will say. (Bragg is a fairly common name in

The normal subject matter of "In Our Time" is humanities-based (i.e.
art, history, philosophy etc.), but they deal with scientific or
mathematical subjects occasionally.

There are two live broadcasts, at 09:00 and 21:30 UK time. The later
one is a shortened version (edited from about 42 mins to about 28), so
better to listen to the earlier one if you can.

There are three options for listening other than the terrestrial radio
broadcast. All should work outside the UK (restrictions on using the
BBC iPlayer overseas mostly apply only to television, or on the radio
to certain special broadcasts such as some sporting events).

(i) Live on the internet at the times above: go to the programme page
at <> and click on the
icon (with a picture of a small loudspeaker) towards the upper right
of the page.

(ii) Using iPlayer after the second broadcast has finished. Go to the
programme page at <> and click
on the "Listen now" button on the left of the picture illustrating the
programme. In principle this should become available within a few
minutes of the end of the second broadcast (i.e. soon after 22:00 UK
time), but sometimes there is a longer delay of up to an hour. It
won't expire, so you can always listen on another day.

(iii) Download a podcast in mp3 format from
<>. This will become available
sometime after the second broadcast has finished, but it could be a
day or two afterwards. These podcasts also don't expire or disappear:
you can download them years after the original broadcasts.

Options (ii) and (iii) will get you the full rather than the shortened
version of the programme.


On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 10:30 +0000, Peter Keller wrote:
Dear all,

On Thursday next week, the BBC radio program "In Our Time" will be
discussing the history of crystallography. The link to the program
is <>. Unfortunately, it
who the guests are, but they usually manage to find people with
interesting to say, even if the presenter Melvyn Bragg's grasp of
material isn't always that great.

I think that from outside the UK it is possible to listen live from
the link
above, and that a day or two after the broadcast a podcast will be
to download from <>.


Peter Keller                                     Tel.: +44 (0)1223
Global Phasing Ltd.,                             Fax.: +44 (0)1223
Sheraton House,
Castle Park,
Cambridge CB3 0AX
United Kingdom


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