Thanks, Ian,
So as long as only the orientation matrix is used from the call to RBFRO1, and 
latter calculates the OM BEFORE changing the cell parameters, the results 
should be OK?

I was a bit puzzled by some of the results (but with convolutoin of two cell's 
symmetry and NCS in the AU, the results are pretty much at the limit of my 
even with Eleanor's nice classification list at the end).
I have a lot of old versions of CCP4 kicking around, so I'll go back in time 
I find one that doesn't give the warning (supposing it can still read the new 
and see if the results are the same, in which case I need help of another sort.
Or try the modification you suggested (I'm still using CCP4 6.2 built from 

Ian Tickle wrote:

Looking at the code again more carefully (always a good idea!) I realise that I 
jumped too quickly to the wrong
conclusion.  At worst the warning message you got is merely alarmist and 
misleading!  All it's saying is that the unit
cells are different - not a surprise!  The cells used in the calculation are 
correct.  What happens is that the cell for
the 1st crystal is stored in the COMMON block and that cell is used to 
calculate the OM for the 1st MTZ file.  Then the
2nd crystal comes along and its cell is compared with the one that was stored, 
triggering the warning message.  However
that's all it does; the cell for the 2nd crystal is the one that is used to 
calculate the OM for the 2nd MTZ file.

The message can be eliminated in the way I suggested by inserted a CALL XYZINIT 
before the call to RBFRO1 in almn.f .


-- Ian

On 10 December 2012 21:47, Edward A. Berry < 
<>> wrote:

    I am experimenting with ALMN cross-rotation using some old known structures.
    I was surprised to see what seems to be a requirement for the cell 
    of the two crystals to be the same. Is that the case?
    Excerpts from the log follow.

      Data line--- CROSS 5 30
    . ..
      Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: 
    . . .
      * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)
       170.1490  181.3120  240.5010   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
    . . .
      Logical Name: HKLIN2   Filename: 
    . . .
      * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)
       128.7980  168.5290  231.6520   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
    . . .
      Inconsistency in Cell Dimensions - replacing old:
      Old cell:    170.14900 181.31200 240.50101  90.00000  90.00000  90.00000
      New cell:    128.79800 168.52901 231.65199  90.00000  90.00000  90.00000

    If it is really changing the cell parameters of one of the datasets,
    won't that distort the patterson and interfere with correlation?
    Am I doing something wrong?
    The two files are specified as HKLIN and HKLIN2

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