Dear All,

We’d like to draw your attention to three PDRA posts (two at Diamond Light 
Source and one at Soleil) forming part of a collaborative initiative between 
Diamond Light Source in Didcot, UK and the Soleil synchrotron in Gif sur 
Yvette, France to develop methodology and automated analysis pipelines for 
synchrotron macromolecular crystallography:

They are

Diamond Light Source
•       Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Phasing Analysis for 
macromolecular crystallography 
•       Postdoctoral Researcher in Multicrystal X-ray Data Analysis for 
macromolecular crystallography 

•       Postdoctoral Researcher in Scaling methods and analysis for 
macromolecular crystallography 

All three researchers will work closely with beamline scientists and existing 
software developers at Diamond and Soleil to deliver integrated, expert system 
pipelines to assist beamline users in the measurement and analysis of 
diffraction data with a view to providing interpreted electron density at the 
beamline in minutes.

Gwyndaf Evans and Andrew Thompson

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