Maybe you can try different energies hoping that damage is wavelength 
dependent.  It must be dose dependent though, so you may consider merging short 
sweeps from multiple crystals.

-------- Original message --------
From: Uma Ratu <> 
Subject: [ccp4bb] S-nitrosylation protein 
Dear All:
I plan to use X-ray crystallography method to study the S-nitrosylated protein 
The native protein crystals diffracted to 2A with synchrontron. I now have the 
crystals of S-ntrosylated protein.
Since S-NO moiety appears to be unstable to synchrotron radiation, could you 
advice /  comments on the stratage on the data collection of S-nitrosylated 
protein crystals?
The protein crystals did not diffract well with in house X-ray.
Thank you for your comments.

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