You only entertain addition+subtraction--why not use
multiplication/division to normalize the b-factors?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:04 PM, James Holton <> wrote:

> Formally, the "best" way to compare B factors in two structures with
> different average B is to add a constant to all the B factors in the low-B
> structure until the average B factor is the same in both structures.  Then
> you can compare "apples to apples" as it were.  The "extra B" being added
> is equivalent to "blurring" the more well-ordered map to make it match the
> less-ordered one. Subtracting a B factor from the less-ordered structure is
> "sharpening", and the reason why you shouldn't do that here is because
> you'd be assuming that a sharpened map has just as much structural
> information as the better diffracting crystal, and that's obviously no true
> (not as many spots).   In reality, your comparison will always be limited
> by the worst-resolution data you have.
> Another reason to add rather than subtract a B factor is because B factors
> are not really "linear" with anything sensible.  Yes, B=50 is "more
> disordered" than B=25, but is it "twice as disordered"? That depends on
> what you mean by "disorder", but no matter how you look at it, the answer
> is generally "no".
> One way to define the "degree of disorder" is the volume swept out by the
> atom's nucleus as it "vibrates" (or otherwise varies from cell to cell).
>  This is NOT proportional to the B-factor, but rather the 3/2 power of the
> B factor.   Yes, 3/2 power.  The value of "B", is proportional to the
> SQUARE of the width of the probability distribution of the nucleus, so to
> get the volume of space swept out by it you have to take the square root to
> get something proportional the the width and then you take the 3rd power to
> get something proportional to the volume.
> An then, of course, if you want to talk about the electron cloud (which is
> what x-rays "see") and not the nuclear position (which you can only see if
> you are a neutron person), then you have to "add" a B factor of about 8 to
> every atom to account for the intrinsic width of the electron cloud.
>  Formally, the B factor is "convoluted" with the intrinsic atomic form
> factor, but a "native" B factor of 8 is pretty close for most atoms.
> For those of you who are interested in something more exact than
> "proportional" the equation for the nuclear probability distribution
> generated by a given B factor is:
> kernel_B(r) = (4*pi/B)^1.5*exp(-4*pi^2/B*r^**2)
> where "r" is the distance from the "average position" (aka the x-y-z
> coordinates in the PDB file).  Note that the width of this distribution of
> atomic positions is not really an "error bar", it is a "range".  There's a
> difference between an atom actually being located in a variety of places vs
> not knowing the centroid of all these locations.  Remember, you're
> averaging over trillions of unit cells.  If you collect a different dataset
> from a similar crystal and re-refine the structure the final x-y-z
> coordinate assigned to the atom will not change all that much.
>   The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this kernel_B distribution is:
>  fwhm = 0.1325*sqrt(B)
> and the probability of finding the nucleus within this radius is actually
> only about 29%.  The radius that contains the nucleus half the time is
> about 1.3 times wider, or:
> r_half = 0.1731*sqrt(B)
> That is, for B=25, the atomic nucleus is within 0.87 A of its average
> position 50% of the time (a volume of 2.7 A^3).  Whereas for B=50, it is
> within 1.22 A 50% of the time (7.7 A^3).  Note that although B=50 is twice
> as big as B=25, the half-occupancy radius 0.87 A is not half as big as 1.22
> A, nor are the volumes 2.7 and 7.7 A^3 related by a factor of two.
> Why is this important for comparing two structures?   Since the B factor
> is non-linear with disorder, it is important to have a common reference
> point when comparing them.  If the low-B structure has two atoms with B=10
> and B=15 with average overall B=12, that might seem to be "significant"
> (almost a factor of two in the half-occupancy volume) but if the other
> structure has an average B factor of 80, then suddenly 78 vs 83 doesn't
> seem all that different (only a 10% change).  Basically, a difference that
> would be "significant" in a high-resolution structure is "washed out" by
> the overall crystallographic B factor of the low-resolution structure in
> this case.
> Whether or not a 10% difference is "significant" depends on how accurate
> you think your B factors are.  If you "kick" your coordinates (aka using
> "noise" in PDBSET) and re-refine, how much do the final B factors change?
> -James Holton
> MAD Scientist
> On 2/25/2013 12:08 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know a good method to compare B-factors between structures? I
>> would like to compare mutants to a wild-type structure.
>> For example, structure2 has a higher B-factor for residue X but how can I
>> show that this is significant if the average B-factor is also higher?
>> Thank you for your help.

Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
HHMI Janelia Farms Research Campus

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