
I think the Subject line tells it all.

Former Linux box, Java was installed within a couple of browsers and I could view the (nice and useful) plots within ccp4i.

New Linux box, Java {plugin / extension / whatever} is deactivated to start with (this Java plugin seems rather difficult to install, whatever I have tried has failed so far) with a message indicating that Java is a security risk.

Hence I was wondering if there is an alternative to view these nice plots on a Linux box nowadays. Something that would not be seen as a security threat and be deactivated.

Thanks in advance,


Fred. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D., hdr)
ouvrier de la recherche
41 rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
Tel: +33 438789605
Fax: +33 438785494

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