
Indeed there is a new viewer and it usually works.

But I also have pre 6.3.0 results that I need to view and somehow the ccp4i qtRviewer does not manage to load the results...

So I was wondering if there was a Java-free alternative, I do have the log files.


On 08/03/13 14:04, eugene.krissi...@stfc.ac.uk wrote:
Two months ago, CCP4 deployed a new viewer for annotated result reports (plots 
etc), which does not depend on browsers and java, exactly for reasons that you 
write about. Do you use 6.3.0 with updates, and if yes, does your question mean 
that the new viewer does not work for you? The viewer (QtRView) was released in 
6.3.0-010 already integrated with ccp4i.


On 8 Mar 2013, at 12:56, vellieux wrote:


I think the Subject line tells it all.

Former Linux box, Java was installed within a couple of browsers and I could 
view the (nice and useful) plots within ccp4i.

New Linux box, Java {plugin / extension / whatever} is deactivated to start 
with (this Java plugin seems rather difficult to install, whatever I have tried 
has failed so far) with a message indicating that Java is a security risk.

Hence I was wondering if there is an alternative to view these nice plots on a 
Linux box nowadays. Something that would not be seen as a security threat and 
be deactivated.

Thanks in advance,


Fred. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D., hdr)
ouvrier de la recherche
41 rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
Tel: +33 438789605
Fax: +33 438785494

Fred. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D., hdr)
ouvrier de la recherche
41 rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
Tel: +33 438789605
Fax: +33 438785494

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