At your resolution that seems to me a reasonable gap between R and Rfree?

On 21 Jun 2013, at 12:28, wrote:

> Dear Bulletin Board,
> After some headbanging (Refmac5 had helpfully created gap records for all 
> insertions and deletions present in the structure), I got refmac5 running 
> with the TWIN option. Refmac5 also found the k,h,-l domain and rejected the 
> other possible domains because they were too small. The Rfactor's are now 
> extremely good: ~14% and the Rfree's are for me acceptable: ~24%. Since I 
> found the difference between R and Rfree somewhat large, I have been playing 
> with the weighting. By using a weight of 0.01, I can bring the Rfactor up to 
> 18%, but the Rfree stays about the same or even gets a little worse.
> My question: is there a way to bring R and Rfree closer together, or is it 
> related to the twinned data and is it something we have to live with?
> Best regards,
> Herman
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von 
> Miller, Mitchell D.
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013 17:43
> Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning problem
> You are welcome.  Let me also for the benefit of others who may search the 
> archives in the future, let me correct two errors below - (typo and a 
> miss-recollection).  
> Specially, I was thinking that phenix.refine was now able to refine multiple 
> twin laws, but according to Nat Echols on the phenix mailing list 
> phenix.refine only handles 1 twin law at this time. 
> (My typo was that and our second structure was 3nuz with twin fractions 0.38, 
> 0.32, 0.16 and 0.14 -- not 2nuz).
> A useful search for deposited structures mentioning tetartohedral 
> Regards,
> Mitch
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 8:04 AM
> Subject: [ccp4bb] AW: Twinning problem
> Dear Mitch (and Philip and Phil),
> It is clear that I should give refmac a go with the non-detwinned F's and 
> just the TWIN command.
> Thank you for your suggestions,
> Herman
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Miller, Mitchell D. []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013 16:18
> An: Schreuder, Herman R&D/DE
> Betreff: RE: Twinning problem
> Hi Herman,
> Have you considered the possibility of your crystals being tetartohedral 
> twinned.  That is more than one of the twin laws may apply to your crystals.
> E.g. in P32 it is possible to have tetartohedral twinning which would have
> 4 twin domains - (h,k,l), (k,h,-l), (-h,-k,l) and (-k,-h,-l). Perfect 
> tetartohedral twinning of P3 would merge in P622 and each twin domain would 
> have a faction of 0.25.
>  We have had 2 cases like this (the first 2PRX was before there was support 
> for this type of twinning except for in shelxl and we ended up with refined 
> twin fractions of 0.38, 0.28, 0.19, 0.15 for the deposited crystal and a 2nd 
> crystal that we did not deposit had twin fractions of 0.25, 0.27, 0.17, 
> 0.31).  The 2nd case we had was after support for twining (including 
> tetartohedral twinning) was added to refmac (and I think phenix.refine can 
> also handle this).  For 2NUZ, it was P32 with refined twin fractions of 0.25, 
> 0.27, 0.17, 0.31.
>  Pietro Roversi wrote a review of tetartohedral twinning for the CCP4 
> proceedings issues of acta D 
>  I would try refinement with refmac using the original (non-detwinned F's) 
> with just the TWIN command to see if it ends up keeping twin fractions for 
> all 3 operators (4 domains) -- especially with crystals 1 and 3 which appear 
> to have the largest estimates of the other twin fractions.
> Regards,
> Mitch
> ==========================================
> Mitchell Miller, Ph.D.
> Joint Center for Structural Genomics
> Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
> 2575 Sand Hill Rd  -- SLAC MS 99
> Menlo Park, CA  94025
> Phone: 1-650-926-5036
> FAX: 1-650-926-3292
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:47 AM
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Twinning problem
> Dear Bulletin Board,
> Prodded by pdb annotators, which are very hesitant to accept coordinate files 
> when their Rfactor does not correspond with our Rfactor, I had a look again 
> into some old data sets, which I suspect are twinned. Below are the results 
> of some twinning tests with the Detwin program (top value: all reflections, 
> lower value: reflections > Nsig*obs (whatever that may mean). The space group 
> is P32, the resolution is 2.3 - 2.6 Å and data are reasonable complete: 95 - 
> 100%.
> From the Detwin analysis, it seems that the crystals are twinned with twin 
> operator k,h,-l with a twinning fraction of 0.3 for crystal 1, 0.15 for 
> crystal 2 and 0.4 for crystal 3. Crystal 2 can be refined while ignoring 
> twinning to get acceptable but not stellar R and Rfree values. However, when 
> I try to detwin Fobs of e.g. crystal 1 (twinning fraction 0.3), R and Rfree 
> values stay about the same, whatever twinning fraction I try. At the time, I 
> used the CNS detwin_perfect protocol to detwin using Fcalcs, which brought 
> the Rfactors in acceptable range, but I do not feel that was the perfect 
> solution. Ignoring twinning on e.g. crystal 1 produces an Rfactor of 22% and 
> an Rfree of 29%
> Do you have any idea what could be going on? 
> Thank you for your help!
> Herman 
> Crystal 1:
> operator -h,-k,l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.113
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.147
> operator: k,h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.277
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.323
> operator -k,-h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.101
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.134
> Crystal 2:
> operator -h,-k,l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.077
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.108
> operator: k,h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.126
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.161
> operator -k,-h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.072
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.106
> Crystal 3:
> operator -h,-k,l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.123
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.149
> operator: k,h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.393
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.433
> operator -k,-h,-l
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.110
> Suggests Twinning factor (0.5-H):    0.133

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