Hi Fellows,


could someone please point me towards the source of a known high purity

with low absorbance at 280 nm? I am facing the problem of detecting a low
absorption protein

in high imidazole background after IMAC gradient elution. In the UV spectra
of the 

2 imidazoles I checked there is some contaminant that absorbs at 280…  


Thx, BR



Bernhard Rupp 

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow

Innsbruck Medical University 

Schöpfstrasse 41

A 6020 Innsbruck – Austria

+43 (676) 571-0536

 <mailto:bernhard.r...@i-med.ac.at> bernhard.r...@i-med.ac.at


Dept. of Forensic Crystallography

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

Vista, CA 92084

001 (925) 209-7429

 <mailto:b...@ruppweb.org> b...@ruppweb.org

 <mailto:b...@hofkristallamt.org> b...@hofkristallamt.org

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