Try preparing your Bradford standard curve with your protein buffer
(including the ATP). This is how I reliably get around detergent and other
compounds that interfere.

Hope this helps,

Kelly Daughtry, Ph.D.
IRTA Fellow
Mechanisms of Mutation Group
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, MD E-301
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
111 TW Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Tel. (919) 541-3452

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:00 AM, Cedric Govaerts <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We're doing some crystallization trials on a protein that requires 2mM ATP
> in the buffer and we are having trouble measuring reliably/reproducibly
> protein concentration.
> This is a real problem for optimization (last screen failed because of
> excessive protein concentration compared to the previous run).
> What we observe:
> -2mM ATP seems to prevent reliable estimation at 280nm with the nanodrop
> (albeit the Akta led detector seems to do OK at 280nm) due to the major
> contribution in the 200-300nm range. I guess blanking is difficult due to
> the relatively large contribution of ATP vs.protein at 280
> -For some reason I cannot explain, Bradford measurment (using
> Pierce/Thermo dye) is also unreliable, comparable sample giving different
> values. I cannot see why ATP would do tha (buffer is 20mM Hepes, pH7.5,
> 150mM NaCl,  10 %Glycerol, 10% Ethylene glycol, 3mM MgCl2 and 2mM ATP).
> As this is for estimation of the protein concentration while concentrating
> before going into crystallization plates, the assay should be quick
> (minutes) and use little amount of material (say max 5痞 per measure). An
> we're really interested in relative concentration (from one experiment to
> the next) rather than absolute value.
> I'm guessing as many of you have worked with ATPase etc, there must be a
> smart way to do this.
> Thanks for any input
> Cedric
> --
> Cedric Govaerts, Ph.D.
> Universite Libre de Bruxelles
> Campus Plaine. Phone :+32 2 650 53 77
> Building BC, Room 1C4 203
> Boulevard du Triomphe, Acces 2
> 1050 Brussels
> Belgium

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