Hi Phoebe -

"Cost-effective" may not be the applicable word here, but the Microfluidizer works very well:


This gadget runs on house compressed air (don't try to use a compressed air tank - you'll empty it in minutes). It's a bit noisy, but so is a sonicator.

The Microfluidizer really shines with large volumes of lysate - like 1 L and up. If you're only processing 100-200 mL at a time, I think sonication is the best way to go.

Hope that helps,

On 2/4/14 11:49 AM, Phoebe A. Rice wrote:
Some time ago, there was a nice discussion of cost-effective, wimpy protein-friendly ways to break open E. coli. We're thinking about replacing an aging sonicator. If people have a favorite gizmo, could they repeat that advice?
thank you,
  Phoebe Rice


Phoebe A. Rice
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago

773 834 1723; pr...@uchicago.edu <mailto:pr...@uchicago.edu>


Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
(212) 939-0660 ext. 9374

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