Good morning CCP4 list

I am trying to deposit structures refined with refmac (latest version 5.8.0049, windows seven), and I have two issues raised at the validation step :

1) there are chain breaks in my protein (for disordered loops). Refmac adds a LINKR record for the description of the break. These are rejected at the validatin step : they are not recognized as valid. If I remove them (and add the TER record at the end of each chain that refmac keeps removing), I have a warning since residues 154 and 160 are not properly linked.... I didn't find anything for the appropriate description of chain breaks in the descriptin of the PDB format.

2) the R/Rfactor computed by the validation server (either sfcheck or refmac) are quite high : my refinement run gives me 0.188/0.220 when the PDB gives 0.24/0.264 (sfcheck) or 0.20/0.23 (refmac). And, indeed, if I feed to refmac the refined structure it has just produced, I get more or less the same R/Rfree than the PDB. I do use TLS refinement (1 TLS group per chain, 6 chains with NCS), and input them as fixed TLS parameters. TLS contributin is added to Bfactors and ANISOU lines).

How could I handle this properly ? Or should I just ignore this ?
thaks !


Laurent Maveyraud         laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
P I C T   ---  Plateforme Intégrée de Criblage de Toulouse
Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
Département     Biologie    Structurale   et   Biophysique     
205 route de Narbonne          31077 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435           Fax : +33 (0)561 175 994

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