Dear Phoebe,

We have a constant systems homogenizer that we use routinely as a service
for researchers here at UGA. It is really easy to use and gets up to high
pressure (40k psi) so you can lyse plant cells or other difficult to lyse
cell types.  You just pour/pump your resuspended cells, as low as 25mL,
into the inlet, setup parameters (usually once) and hit the start button.
 The lysed cells will exit the outlet line.  We usually have 2 cups to
catch the outlet and we recycle 3-6 times. The unit will automatically
shutoff when it runs out of liquid.  Below is a link to the website for the
company with a video.  For greater than 1L of cells we have a Niro-Soavi
high pressure homogenizer (second link) that I recommend.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Phoebe A. Rice <> wrote:

>  Some time ago, there was a nice discussion of cost-effective, wimpy
> protein-friendly ways to break open E. coli.  We're thinking about
> replacing an aging sonicator.  If people have a favorite gizmo, could
> they repeat that advice?
> thank you,
>   Phoebe Rice
>  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Phoebe A. Rice
> Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
> The University of Chicago
> 773 834 1723;

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