When you don't normalize the map you have to specify your contour
level in whatever units the map came in.  Your output says the "stdev"
is 0.075 so I guess you need to contour at 0.225 to see the equivalent

Dale Tronrud

P.S. I feel compelled to note that what the program is reporting as
the "standard deviation" is really the root mean square deviation from
zero.  The standard deviation of a map is a much more subtle quantity
as discussed recently in PNAS.

On 02/19/2014 09:30 AM, hongshi WANG wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am making a fo-fc map for one ligand using pymol. I strictly followed
> the pymol wiki protocol (Display CCP4 Maps). Finally, I can get the
> ligand map using command:
>  isomesh fo-fc_ligand, omitmap, 3, ligand, carve=2.
> However, the problem is the map I got from pymol is smaller than the one
> I can see in coot at the same contour level (3.0). 
> So I gave a second trial based on the assumption that it may be caused
> by the mis-normalization.  I input the command: “unset
> normalize_ccp4_maps” to stop PyMOL from normalizing a cpp4 map. After
> that I loaded my ccp4 map file and tried to do the same things as what I
> did for the first time. But I could not see any mesh net (density map)
> shown up. I check the command window.
> /PyMOL>unset normalize_ccp4_maps/
> / Setting: normalize_ccp4_maps set to off./
> / ObjectMapCCP4: Map Size 134 x 128 x 122/
> / ObjectMapCCP4: Map will not be normalized./
> / ObjectMapCCP4: Current mean = -0.000066 and stdev = 0.074981./
> / ObjectMap: Map read.  Range: -0.511 to 0.616/
> / Crystal: Unit Cell          200  300  100/
> / Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma    90.000  100.354   90.000/
> / Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix/
> / Crystal:    0.0060   -0.0000    0.0011/
> / Crystal:    0.0000    0.0045   -0.0000/
> / Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000    0.0053/
> / Crystal: FracToReal Matrix/
> / Crystal:  200    0.0000  -34.5817/
> / Crystal:    0.0000  300    0.0000/
> / Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000  100/
> / Crystal: Unit Cell Volume  6993536./
> / ExecutiveLoad: "E:/ bdligand002.ccp4" loaded as "bdligand002", through
> state 1./
> / PyMOL>isomesh fo-fc_ligand, bdligand002, 3, ligand, carve=2/
> / Executive: object "fo-fc_ligand" created./
> / Isomesh: created "fo-fc_ligand", setting level to 2/
> / ObjectMesh: updating "fo-fc_ligand"./
>  It seems like no error, but my ligand map, fo-fc_ligand has no density
> map shown up. I also tried to show the whole mesh at level 2.0 for
> bdligand002. I still could not see the density map.
>  My pymol is version 1.3 in windows 8 operation system. 
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance
> hongshi 

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