Hi Hongshi,

I think Dale is right. When you turn off the normalization, the level value you 
need to put in the isomesh command should be the absolute electron density 
value of the map instead of how many RMSD.

In your command window log, this line shows the range of the density values in 
your map:
ObjectMap: Map read. Range: -0.511 to 0.616
As you can see the highest value is 0.616, no wonder you see nothing when you 
tell the program to cut off at 3.0.

And the line above it shows the RMSD, marked as stdev:
ObjectMapCCP4: Current mean = -0.000066 and stdev = 0.074981.

So for RMSD=3.0, the density cut off of this map is 0.075x3.0=0.225. Your 
command then is: isomesh fo-fc_ligand, bdligand002, 0.225
Or you can look at the coot window to find out what the density cut off is 
being used (map level=x.xxxx e/A^3 ), if you are not too sure about the RMSD 

An additional note: the same applies to UCSF Chimera, where the volume data 
(maps) control also requires you to specify the cut off or gradient in real map 
values instead of RMSD.


From: hongshi WANG 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:47 PM
To: Zhijie Li 
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Can not see density map when I turn off normalization in 

Hi Zhijie, 

Thanks for your help.
Once i turned off the normalization in pymol. I could not see any density map. 


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Zhijie Li <zhijie...@utoronto.ca> wrote:

  Hi Hongshi,

  If you just put 
  isomesh fo-fc_ligand, omitmap, 3
  do you seem anything in the unit cell?

  If you do then please check if around your ligand there is any density.


  From: hongshi WANG 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:30 PM
  Subject: [ccp4bb] Can not see density map when I turn off normalization in 

  Hello there,

  I am making a fo-fc map for one ligand using pymol. I strictly followed the 
pymol wiki protocol (Display CCP4 Maps). Finally, I can get the ligand map 
using command:

  isomesh fo-fc_ligand, omitmap, 3, ligand, carve=2. 

  However, the problem is the map I got from pymol is smaller than the one I 
can see in coot at the same contour level (3.0).  

  So I gave a second trial based on the assumption that it may be caused by the 
mis-normalization.  I input the command: “unset normalize_ccp4_maps” to stop 
PyMOL from normalizing a cpp4 map. After that I loaded my ccp4 map file and 
tried to do the same things as what I did for the first time. But I could not 
see any mesh net (density map) shown up. I check the command window.

  PyMOL>unset normalize_ccp4_maps

  Setting: normalize_ccp4_maps set to off.

  ObjectMapCCP4: Map Size 134 x 128 x 122

  ObjectMapCCP4: Map will not be normalized.

  ObjectMapCCP4: Current mean = -0.000066 and stdev = 0.074981.

  ObjectMap: Map read.  Range: -0.511 to 0.616

  Crystal: Unit Cell          200  300  100

  Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma    90.000  100.354   90.000

  Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix

  Crystal:    0.0060   -0.0000    0.0011

  Crystal:    0.0000    0.0045   -0.0000

  Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000    0.0053

  Crystal: FracToReal Matrix

  Crystal:  200    0.0000  -34.5817

  Crystal:    0.0000  300    0.0000

  Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000  100

  Crystal: Unit Cell Volume  6993536.

  ExecutiveLoad: "E:/ bdligand002.ccp4" loaded as "bdligand002", through state 

  PyMOL>isomesh fo-fc_ligand, bdligand002, 3, ligand, carve=2

  Executive: object "fo-fc_ligand" created.

  Isomesh: created "fo-fc_ligand", setting level to 2

  ObjectMesh: updating "fo-fc_ligand".

  It seems like no error, but my ligand map, fo-fc_ligand has no density map 
shown up. I also tried to show the whole mesh at level 2.0 for bdligand002. I 
still could not see the density map.

  My pymol is version 1.3 in windows 8 operation system.  

  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

  Thanks in advance


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