Sorry - hadnt finished..
The twinning tests are distorted by NC translation - usually the L test is
safe, but the others are all suspect..

On 11 March 2014 14:09, Eleanor Dodson <> wrote:

> What is the NC translation? If there is a factor of 0.5 that makes SG
> determination complicated..
> Eleanor
> On 11 March 2014 14:04, Stephen Cusack <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>     I have 2.6 A data and unambiguous molecular replacement solution for
>> two copies/asymmetric unit of a 80 K protein for a crystal integrated
>> in P212121 (R-merge around 9%) with a=101.8, b=132.2, c=138.9.
>> Refinement allowed rebuilding/completion of the model in the noraml way
>> but the R-free does not go below 30%. The map in the model regions looks
>> generally fine but  there is a lot
>> of extra positive density in the solvent regions (some of it looking like
>> weak density for helices and strands)  and unexpected positive peaks within
>> the model region.
>> Careful inspection allowed manual positioning of a completely different,
>> overlapping solution for the dimer which fits the extra density perfectly.
>> The two incompatible solutions are related by a 2-fold axis parallel to a.
>> This clearly suggests some kind of twinning. However twinning analysis
>> programmes (e.g. Phenix-Xtriage), while suggesting the potentiality
>> of pseudo-merohedral twinning (-h, l, k) do not reveal
>> any significant twinning fraction and proclaim the data likely to be
>> untwinned. (NB. The programmes do however highlight a
>> non-crystallographic translation and there are systematic intensity
>> differences in the data). Refinement, including this twinning law made no
>> difference
>> since the estimated twinning fraction was 0.02. Yet the extra density is
>> clearly there and I know exactly the real-space transformation between the
>> two packing solutions.
>> How can I best take into account this alternative solution (occupancy
>> seems to be around 20-30%) in the refinement ?
>> thanks for your suggestions
>> Stephen
>> --
>> **********************************************************************
>> Dr. Stephen Cusack,
>> Head of Grenoble Outstation of EMBL
>> Group leader in structural biology of protein-RNA complexes and viral
>> proteins
>> Joint appointment in EMBL Genome Biology Programme
>> Director of CNRS-UJF-EMBL International Unit (UMI 3265) for Virus Host
>> Cell Interactions (UVHCI)
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