On 03/12/2014 04:15 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
For any sample, crystalline or not, a generally valid description of 
diffraction intensity is it being a Fourier transform of electron density 
autocorrelation function.

I thought for non-crystalline samples diffraction intensity is simply the 
Fourier transform of the electron density, not its autocorrelation function. Is 
that wrong?

The Fourier transform of electron density is a complex scattering amplitude that by the axiom of quantum mechanics is not a measurable quantity. What is measurable is the module squared of it. In crystallography, it is called either F^2 (formally equal F*Fbar) or somewhat informally diffraction intensity, after one takes into account scaling factors. F*Fbar is the Fourier transform of an electron density autocorrelation function regardless if electron density is periodic or not. For periodic electron density the structure factors are described by sum of delta Dirac functions placed on the reciprocal lattice. These delta functions are multiplied by values of structure factors for corresponding Miller indices.

Anyway, regarding spot streaking, perhaps there is a different, simpler 
formulation for how they arise, based on the two phenomena:

(1) Crystal lattice convoluted with periodic contents, e.g., protein structure 
in exactly the same orientation
(2) Crystal lattice convoluted with aperiodic contents, e.g. n different 
conformations of a protein loop, randomly sprinkled in the lattice.

Option (1) makes normal spots. If there is a lot of scattering material doing (2), then 
streaks arise due to many "super-cells" occurring, each with an integral number 
of unit cells, and following a Poisson distribution with regard to frequency according to 
the number of distinct conformations. Anyway, I thought of this because it might be 
related to scattering from aperiodic crystals, in which there is no concept of unit cell 
as far as I know (just frequent distances), which makes them really interesting for 
thinking about diffraction.

This formulation cannot describe aperiodic contents. The convolution of a crystal lattice with any function will result in electron density, which has a perfect crystal symmetry of the same periodicity as the starting crystal lattice.

See the images here of an aperiodic lattice and its Fourier transform, if 


This is interesting case of pseudocrystal, however because there is no crystal lattice, it is not relevant to (1) or (2). In any case, pentagonal quasilattices are probably not relevant to macromolecular crystallography.

Mosaicity is a very different phenomenon. It describes a range of angular 
alignments of microcrystals with the same unit cell within the sample. It 
broadens diffraction peaks by the same angle irrespective of the data 
resolution, but it cannot change the length of diffraction vector for each 
Bragg reflection. For this reason, the elongation of the spot on the detector 
resulting from mosaicity will be always perpendicular to the diffraction 
vector. This is distinct from the statistical disorder, where spot elongation 
will be aligned with the crystal lattice and not the detector plane.

I have been convinced by some elegant, carefully-thought-out papers that this "microcrystal" 
conception of the data-processing constant "mosaicity" is basically wrong, and that the primary 
factor responsible for observed mosaicity is discrepancies in unit cell constants, and not the 
"microcrystal" picture. I think maybe you are referring here to theoretical mosaicity and not the 
fitting parameter, so I am not contradicting you. I have seen recently an EM study of protein microcrystals 
which seems to show actual tilted mosaic domains just as you describe, and can find the reference if desired.

This is easy to test by analyzing diffraction patterns of individual crystals. In practice, the dominant contribution to angular broadening of diffraction peaks is angular disorder of microdomains, particularly in cryo-cooled crystals. However, exceptions do happen, but these rare situations need to be handled on case by case basis.


Presence of multiple, similar unit cells in the sample is completely different 
and unrelated condition to statistical disorder.



Zbyszek Otwinowski
UT Southwestern Medical Center  
5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-8816
(214) 645 6385 (phone) (214) 645 6353 (fax)

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