Hello All,

Further to my earlier email..I am running ccp4 6.4 , on 64 bit Redhat Linux

I cannot see loggraphs with View-Files-From-Job - View Log Graphs--

That throws an error in the shell. This is the same error  I see when coot
finishes refmac5 as well.
It seems that the loggraph tcl script is broken somehow.

Any ideas on how to fix.
Thank you for your help


Top level CCP4 directory is /home/yong/ccp4_root/ccp4-6.4.0
Using CCP4 programs from /home/yong/ccp4_root/ccp4-6.4.0/bin
Error in startup script: syntax error in expression "10 11 12 + 12": extra
tokens at end of expression
    while executing
"expr [string trim $ele] + $data(NCOLUMNS) "
    (procedure "extract_tables_from_GRAPH" line 44)
    invoked from within
"extract_tables_from_$filetype $input $arrayname"
    (procedure "extract_tables_from_file" line 31)
    invoked from within
"extract_tables_from_file $system(SCRIPT) $system(FORMAT) data"
    invoked from within
"if { $system(SCRIPT) != "" } {
  if { ![ElementExists system FORMAT] || $system(FORMAT) == "" } {
     set system(FORMAT) [GetFileFormat $system(SCRI..."
line 2324)
    invoked from within
"source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) loggraph loggraph.tcl]"
"/home/yong.tang/ccp4_root/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/bin/loggraph.tcl" line 83)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Yong Tang <liutan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I have just switched to a new computer with ccp4 6.4 and binary coot
> installed from Paul Emsleys nightlies.
> When I run refmac5 inside coot or run refmac5 inside ccp4,  the loggraph
> does not pop-up at the end of a refmac run. I looked everywhere in settings
> inside ccp4i or inside coot and could not re-enable loggraph popup.
> Can someone tell me what setting I need to change to have the old style
> loggraphs popup ? .
> Thanks
> Yong
> --
>  Yong Tang

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