Sorry, I made a typo. One should of course delete the O1!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von 
Schreuder, Herman R&D/DE
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. April 2014 09:17
Betreff: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Create Links in PDB

Dear Remie,

The first thing I would do is to download a random file form the pdb with 
sugars attached and examine how the link looks like in coot and in an editor. 
You could use e.g. (shameless plug)  4ci9.
The next thing to do is to check the link record you created. Here the 
punch-card heritage of the pdb format is still very prominent: one space too 
much or too little and things will not work. I even have had mysterious cases 
where the link would not work, although it looked ok in the editor. I would 
copy and paste a link record from an official pdb file and edit that one, 
making sure that the positions of the atom names etc. stay exactly the same (do 
not move to the left or right). 

An alternative, which may even be better is to start from scratch. For N-linked 
sugars this would go as follows:

go to to the linked sugar in coot
delete the NAG attached to the Asn
get monomer NAG
merge molecules (to get the NAG in the same pdb file as your protein) 
delete the O4 (delete item Atom) 
fit and real space refine the NAG 
make link (between ASN ND2 and NAG C1)

The same you should do for the other linked sugars. Make sure to delete the 
right oxygen which gets lost in the link. In this way you are sure your NAG has 
the right atom names and the correct cif file with restraints.

Good luck!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von Remie 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. April 2014 06:03
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] Create Links in PDB

Thanks to Maisam and Paul (answers below) but I still could not see the links 
in coot after refining.

In coot before refinement, the glucoses are connected, but when I refine, they 
become disconnected, then if I add a link in coot by doing 
Extension>Modeling>Add a link, I get disconnected bonds.

The LINK I see in pdb as text is for Arg and other residues but not for the 

Please advise on what I should do to see the sugars connected after refinement, 

Thank you so much,


On Apr 4, 2014, at 10:45 PM, Remie Fawaz-Touma <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need help creating links between units of sugar (ligands) in the PDB file 
> before refining so that CCP4 recognizes the sugars are attached.
> I tried the one suggestion I got before Extension > Make a Link,  but I get 
> discontinued bonds instead of full bonds.
> Thanks so much for all your help in advance.
> Remie

A dotted line is how Coot represents a LINK.  It will not use solid lines for 
LINKs. You don't need a solid line for Coot and Refmac to consider the residues 
as bonded.

If you examine the output PDB file, you will see a LINK record.


If you open the pdb that Refmac generates ( As text file ) you will see that 
there is an "R" added to your link and it is "linkR", you need to delete that 
"R" and press the space button one time to correct for the spacing in your link 
description, and then coot will show that dotted line.

If you want to see a solid line in coot for the links, your sugar molecules 
should be defined as the residues of the same chain, but to be honest I have 
never tried that myself.

And if you run the refmac, and the pdb that is generated does not show the 
description of your link that means that the description of your link is not 

Hope this helped.


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