I've tried to post my reply to this quite a few times but as best I can
tell (and my friends can tell from their CCP4bb subscriptions) I have been
foiled by jiscmail every time. Hopefully this will go through. And
hopefully I'm not reposting stuff I already sent. Here we go:

Okay, the consensus here seems to be that you don't have a thermal shift
assay up and running with your membrane protein or membrane proteins in
Like a couple of people mentioned the Alexandrov 2008 is the standard
reference for membrane proteins (CPM reacts with a thiol).

You have options though:
Thiol-reaction activated fluorophore (e.g. CPM)
High-throughput static light scattering (Harbinger Stargazer, Avacta Optim)
High-throughput intrinsic fluorescence (Avacta Optim)
High-throughput fluorescence lifetime (NovaFluor PR Fluorescence Lifetime
Plate Reader)
Western blotting (CETSA, FASTpp)
Environmental rigidity sensitive dyes (e.g. DCVJ)
Environmental dielecticity / hydrophobicity sensitive dyes (e.g. SYPRO
Orange, bis-ANS)

Possibly differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Thiol-reaction activated fluorophore
Cysteine side chains are typically buried in the core of a protein. When
the protein is denatured they become solvent accessible. A dye like CPM can
then react with it and only the thiol-reacted compound is fluorescent. CPM
has maximum excitation/emission of ~385/470 nm which is a slight problem.
Most qPCR machines have excitation filters that begin at ~450 nm and
emission filters that begin at ~500 nm. I have however seen somewhere in
the literature someone excite CPM with about ~405 nm and reading
fluorescence above 500 nm. I haven't tried it but I have tried bis-ANS
where I excited at 455-485 nm but without getting a useful signal (bis-ANS
has the same excitation maximum as CPM).

Some qPCR machines can be fitted with excitation filters that start at 350
nm (Stratagene MX3000/3005, Qiagen Rotor Gene, possibly more). More
fluorescence plate readers have these wavelengths but then often don't have
temperature control or the temperature is capped at 42 or 65 C. 65 is
probably fine for membrane proteins but I would want to start with a test
protein and I can't think of any that would melt at that temperature. But
actually, you could just add Gu-HCl to ß-lactoglobulin - ß-LG melts in the
70-80 degrees interval but with enough guanidinium it should be fine.
Without temp. control you could incubate outside the plate reader but you
should be quick about it. I've been told not to incubate with CPM since it
does degrade.
CPM is of course incompatible with ß-mercaptoethanol, DTT, and tris (tris
because of the primary amine unless you are at pH where it is well
protonated and has no buffering capacity). pH is restricted to ~neutral.
I tried what Artem suggested with having a friendly chemist cook me up one
of those Korean / Chinese compounds that work like CPM but fluoresces in
the visible spectrum. It didn't work for me but perhaps I didn't try hard
enough or it wasn't pure enough or something. There are a lot of them but
keep in mind that a lot of them are designed to react with both the thiol
and the amine of cysteine. In a protein that amine is usually an amide and
therefore no go.

Update: this is the one Artem used
There's a paper where they used CPM with membrane protein in LCP. They had
to centrifuge it after each heating step though because the LCP became

High-throughput static light scattering
Using a specialised machine to read the aggregation state of many wells in
parallel using static light scattering while heating. I know of two
machines, Harbinger Stargazer and Avacta Optim, but unless you can find one
to borrow this might be a bit over budget.

High-throughput intrinsic fluorescence
The Avacta Optim also reads intrinsic fluorescence at the same time. I
don't know if this adds any useful information not already supplied by the
light scattering, I haven't tried it.

High-throughput intrinsic fluorescence lifetime
The lifetime of tryptophan fluorescence differs between folded and unfolded
protein and by measuring the lifetime of UV-excited fluorescence at
temperature intervals you can get a measurement of the melting temperature
of your protein. NovaFluor
PR Fluorescence Lifetime Plate Reader is the only machine for this that I
know of.

Western blotting
This is pretty interesting. As far as I can see CETSA is a simplified
version of FASTpp but with broader applicability.
FASTpp is Fast Parallel Protealysis. Crude lysate + thermolysin. Heat but
take out aliquots at intervals. Thermolysin is specific for bulky
hydrophobic residues and since most of them are buried the digestion is
greatly accelerated when proteins denature (this is true of all proteases
though, regardless of their specificity). The aliquots are run on an SDS
gel and Western blotting is performed to determine at what temperature the
protein of interest becomes degraded. The drawback is that thermolysin is
only active to around 80 C. And thermolysin is dependent on calcium for
activity (unless you get the calcium independent mutant but then you have
to express and purify it yourself). And if you want to probe stability in
conditions that inhibit thermolysin you have trouble as well.
CETSA does away with the thermolysin and simply centrifuges away the
denatured protein. They also got it to work with whole cells which I am
quite excited by. It's the same number of Western blots as FASTpp though.

Environmental rigidity sensitive dyes
Using DCVJ, 4-(dicyanovinyl)julolidine, researchers at
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität have investigated antibody stability in
detergent. It seems like they had to use a very high concentration and from
the paper I can't quite see how they got information with the DCVJ that
they didn't get with SYPRO Orange at the same (high) concentration. Maybe I
misread something. I saw 40 mg/ml and moved on.
But it might work better with a different dye.

Environmental dielecticity / hydrophobicity sensitive dyes
According to researchers at University of Colorado they got something
useful with 3 out the 4 membrane proteins they tested with SYPRO Orange by
using careful background subtraction (but protein at 1-2 mg/ml). They don't
use this technique any more though, they've gone over to the lifetime
fluorescence thing.
If you look in the original Pantoliano they also looked at
bacteriorhodopsin with a non-ionic detergent at ~CMC and got a beautiful
signal. So you might just want to try that.
Disclaimer: They didn't use SYPRO Orange, they used dyes that you excite
with UV light.

Differential scanning calorimetry (not sure if it’s okay for membrane

There’s at least one machine with a reasonable sample use and okay
throughput (MicroCal VP-Capillary DSC from GE Healthcare) and there are
papers about using DSC for accessing protein stability (like this one
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23022410) but I suspect that you might
also see a phase transition for the detergent micelles and lipids (if you
have them) and I have not come across any stories about whether membrane
proteins are fine in this assay - may possibly just require a simple
background subtraction correction.

Now, once you think you have an assay that works with your protein you have
to validate it. I think the best way is to destabilise your protein
slightly. Collect data with guanidinium hydrochloride at the following
concentrations: 0 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 200 mM, 500 mM, 1 M. You should see a
lower melting temperature as Gu-HCl concentration goes up. Does-response
curves are one of the best experimental validations of any result.

Now you should examine if there are divalent cations bound to your protein.
Do an experiment with 5 mM EDTA pH ~7, 5 mM EGTA pH ~7, and one with just
water. If your protein co-purified with anything then you should see an
effect on your stability. Usually that is a destabilising effect. Then you
screen against a panel of divalent cations and you should see a stabilising
effect because after purification you only have partial occupancy of
whatever binding site there may be. If it were fully occupied then that
would indicate either a covalet, irreversible binding or that the ion is
present in your buffer at a higher concentration than the k_d.
I have seen a stabilising effect of chelating agents (once) but then there
was a stabilising effect of one divalent cation and a destabilising of
another. So the destabilising ion bound in the metal site but induced an
unfavourable conformation.

Now you should investigate whether there are non-specific ion stabilising
effects. Often divalent cations like sulfate and malonate have a
stabilising effect and things like sodium and ammonium could be positive,
neutral, or negative. There are crowding effects and ion strength effects
that influence the stability of your protein and these are individual for
each protein. Applying the Hoffmeister series to protein stability is
bollocks. At best you see a higher probability of stabilising effects from
ions high in the Hoffmeister series. It is supposed to be about the ability
of salts to precipitate proteins anyway.

You could do all of these above in one go.

There’s an example of the current salt screen we use if you look in the
example data at http://github.com/grofte/NAMI - NAMI is an open source,
Python program from Durham for analysis of thermofluor data. Just a quick
plug for my stuff. The manual is an okay read as well.

Of course in your case… It’s a membrane protein so you might see a
difference in salt effects based on which detergent you are using. I would
expect that ionic detergent would act highly different depending on the
salt composition of your buffer (salt in the scientific sense, not just
NaCl). So if you change salts you should go back and do the analytical SEC
detergent selection screens again.

I hope this helps,

On 12 April 2014 16:00, Artem Evdokimov <artem.evdoki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is an alternative method that does not rely on hydrphobic
> interaction of dye with the protein interior: it relies instead on reaction
> between fluorogenic dye and interior cysteine residues of the protein. When
> protein melts these Cys residues become exposed, react with the dye and
> generate fluorescence. It works very well, with two caveats: 1) the really
> good yellow dye is not commercial, last time I checked  (there is a masked
> blue dye, but it's not as good and it requires excitation in UV) and 2) you
> need  'unusual' excitation and emission wavelengths.
> I have not checked recently, maybe someone developed a nice green or red
> emitter, and then this is an ideal method for membrane proteins and
> anything else that requires detergents...
> I believe the method was first reported by one of the GPCR-structure
> teams, who used the blue version -- I tried it a long time ago with the
> yellow version made for me by a friendly chemist. There was a chinese paper
> describing the dye synthesis (it was a Michael-reactive double bond that
> masked the fluorophore).
> Cheers,
> Artem
> - Cosmic Cats approve of this message
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 3:38 AM, Theresa Hsu <theresah...@live.com> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> Does anyone has experience with Thermofluor assay to find the substrate
>> transported/binding by a membrane protein? My protein does not have any
>> similar structures and the substrate suggested by sequence analysis is not
>> being transported in proteoliposome. I know ITC is good but I am looking
>> for a more high-throughput way.
>> Thank you.

Morten K Grøftehauge, PhD
Pohl Group
Durham University

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