>the top-hat profile is one of the reasons why inhouse machines produce better 
>quality data than synchrotrons. However, the often much increased resolution 
>you achieve at the synchrotron is generally worth more than the quality of the 
>data at restricted resolution.

Several surprises to me:

-Data from in-house sources is better?
        I have not heard of this--is there any systematic examination of this? 
I saw nothing about this in a very brief Google foray.

-In-house beam profiles are top-hats?
        Is there a place which shows such measurements? Does not pop out of 
Google for me, but I would love to be shown that this is true.

-Resolution at the synchrotron is better?
        This does not really seem right to me theoretically, although in 
practice it does seem to happen. I think it is just a question of waiting for 
enough exposure time, as the CCP4BB response quoted at bottom describes.



Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:04:05 -0700
From: James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov>
Re: Re: Lousy diffraction at home but fantastic at the synchrotron?
There are a few things that synchrotron beamlines generally do better than 
"home sources", but the most important are flux, collimation and absorption.
Flux is in photons/s and simply scales down the amount of time it takes to get 
a given amount of photons onto the crystal. Contrary to popular belief, there 
is nothing "magical" about having more photons/s: it does not somehow make your 
protein molecules "behave" and line up in a more ordered way. However, it does 
allow you to do the equivalent of a 24-hour exposure in a few seconds 
(depending on which beamline and which home source you are comparing), so it 
can be hard to get your brain around the comparison.
Collimation, in a nutshell, is putting all the incident photons through the 
crystal, preferably in a straight line. Illuminating anything that isn't the 
crystal generates background, and background buries weak diffraction spots 
(also known as high-resolution spots). Now, when I say "crystal" I mean the 
thing you want to shoot, so this includes the "best part" of a bent, cracked or 
otherwise inhomogeneous "crystal". The amount of background goes as the square 
of the beam size, so a 0.5 mm beam can produce up to 25 times more background 
than a 0.1 mm beam (for a fixed spot intensity).
Also, if the beam has high "divergence" (the range of incidence angles onto the 
crystal), then the spots on the detector will be more spread out than if the 
beam had low divergence, and the more spread-out the spots are the easier it is 
for them to fade into the background. Now, even at home sources, one can cut 
down the beam to have very low divergence and a very small size at the sample 
position, but this comes at the expense of flux.
Another tenant of "collimation" (in my book) is the DEPTH of non-crystal stuff 
in the primary x-ray beam that can be "seen" by the detector. This includes the 
air space between the "collimator" and the beam stop. One millimeter of air 
generates about as much background as 1 micron of crystal, water, or plastic. 
Some home sources have ridiculously large air paths (like putting the backstop 
on the detector surface), and that can give you a lot of background. As a rule 
of thumb, you want you air path in mm to be less than or equal to your crystal 
size in microns. In this situation, the crystal itself is generating at least 
as much background as the air, and so further reducing the air path has 
diminishing returns. For example, going from 100 mm air and 100 um crystal to 
completely eliminating air will only get you about a 40% reduction in 
background noise (it goes as the square root).
Now, this rule of thumb also goes for the "support" material around your 
crystal: one micron of cryoprotectant generates about as much background as one 
micron of crystal. So, if you have a 10 micron crystal mounted in a 1 mm thick 
drop, and manage to hit the crystal with a 10 micron beam, you still have 100 
times more background coming from the drop than you do from the crystal. This 
is why in-situ diffraction is so difficult: it is hard to come by a crystal 
tray that is the same thickness as the crystals.
Absorption differences between home and beamline are generally because 
beamlines operate at around 1 A, where a 200 um thick crystal or a 200 mm air 
path absorbs only about 4% of the x-rays, and home sources generally operate at 
CuKa, where the same amount of crystal or air absorbs ~20%. The "absorption 
correction" due to different paths taken through the sample must always be less 
than the total absorption, so you can imagine the relative difficulty of trying 
to measure a ~3% anomalous difference.
Lower absorption also accentuates the benefits of putting the detector further 
away. By the way, there IS a good reason why we spend so much money on 
large-area detectors. Background falls off with the square of distance, but the 
spots don't (assuming good collimation!).
However, the most common cause of drastically different results at synchrotron 
vs at home is that people make the mistake of thinking that all their crystals 
are the same, and that they prepared them in the "same" way. This is seldom the 
case! Probably the largest source of variability is the cooling rate, which 
depends on the "head space" of cold N2 above the liquid nitrogen you are 
plunge-cooling in (Warkentin et al. 2006).
-James Holton
MAD Scientist

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