
This problem is almost certainly* because there is an orphan ipmosflm.exe still running (this can happen when you get a Tcl error and iMosflm stops unexpectedly {some people might call this a "crash"}). At the moment you do have to kill the orphaned ipmosflm.exe process from the MS-Windows task manager - which I agree is a bit of a pain.

I haven't seen this problem where the old mosflm.lp file is open in an editor, but I guess that could happen.

Unfortunately, the fix for this is not in the recently released version 7.1.2 (we have a partial fix for this problem but it doesn't seem to work all the time, so needs more testing/debugging before we can release it - it will be in version 7.2.0, which should be ready for release "RSN"**).

* I haven't seen it happen under other circumstances - please let us know directly if you know otherwise. ** = "Real Soon Now", i.e. once we're confident all the new features are robust enough for most users and we've fixed a significant proportion of the known bugs.

On 4 Feb 2015, at Wed4 Feb 06:20, Frank von Delft wrote:

It would be nice though if imosflm did the killing for you - it happens to me a large fraction of the time on windows. (I imagine windows doesn't make mosflm's life easy, mind you.)


On 04/02/2015 05:11, Keller, Jacob wrote:
No--but thanks to you I just found it hanging in the process manager and killed it, which seems to have done the trick. Guess I should have thought of that sooner...

Thanks for the help,


-----Original Message-----
From: Edward A. Berry [mailto:ber...@upstate.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 11:51 PM
To: Keller, Jacob; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Mosflm Error Msg

Is the old mosflm.lp open in an editor?
Some editors will put a lock on the file which would prevent mosflm from overwriting or renaming it.

On 02/03/2015 11:38 PM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
Dear Crystallographers,

Has anyone come across this message before with imosflm in Win7? I think restarting cures it, but I've got other jobs going...


Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD
Looger Lab/HHMI Janelia Research Campus
19700 Helix Dr, Ashburn, VA 20147
email: kell...@janelia.hhmi.org

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission on Crystallographic Computing Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing)

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