the link for the cyanin dyes are at the following link

Sorry for the wrong link

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Sudipta Bhattacharyya <> wrote:

> Dear Community,
> Sorry for this off topic question. I am dealing with a non specific DNA
> binding protein. In a non radio-labelled EMSA DNA:protein titration
> experiment when I EtBr stained the 5% native acrylamide gel, I could see
> the DNA control (101 bps) but as the amount of my protein increases I saw
> the free DNA band getting thinner and thinner but I could not see any band
> shift and probably all the complex stuck at wells. But, even if I assume
> the whole DNA length  is occupied by my protein (I determined the ratio to
> be 1:15 ish) the molecular weight should not reach the molecular weight of
> the highest DNA marker band (20kbps = 13,200 kDa). Then why I could not see
> a retarded band in the gel? Or is it forming a EtBr resistant nucleoprotein
> filament? Could you guys please give me an idea/suggestions?
> Many thanks in advance...!!!
> My best regards,
> Sudipta.


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