I know there was jut recently a discussion about cryoconditions for
crystals, but I am still hoping for some new ideas for my crystals that
grow from HEPES buffer pH 7.3, 0.2 M NaCl by slowly lowering the
temperature from 20 to 4 degrees.

These crystals are easy to grow but extremely sensitive to temperature
change, and any of the usual cryo reagents tested so far simply dissolve
the crystals. I am n ot sure how I could counteract the solubilizing effect
of glycerol or ethylen glycol, since there is no precipitant concentration
that I could increase to stabilize the crystals. Paratone didn't work
either so far.

Any other ideas for these low salt crystals?


Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D.
Project Scientist
UC Berkeley, QB3
360 Stanley Hall #3220
Berkeley, CA 94720-3220
(510) 643 9491

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