Maybe something to do with the SCALE tag? 


> On Jul 6, 2015, at 11:02 PM, Jens Kaiser <> wrote:
> Eleanor,
>  Thanks for the suggestion. I changed atom numbers to 1 and 2 and
> residue numbers to 1 and 2. The behavior is identical.
> Thanks!
> Jens
> On Tue, 2015-07-07 at 06:48 +0100, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
>> I wonder if this is due to the late residue number. Could you try
>> again reducing that to something smaller. I seem to remember SFALL
>> stores a flag to recall which residue contributed to which density and
>> there could be a limit on its size.
>> Will test when I get near a working system 
>> Eleanor
>> On 6 July 2015 at 22:53, Jens Kaiser <> wrote:
>>        All,
>>          We seem to have stumbled upon a problem in sfall. The two
>>        attached pdb
>>        files are nearly identical, except the coordinates and
>>        b-factors for the
>>        two atoms are swapped. When calculating Fs with sfall, we get
>>        drastically different mtz files. Upon calculating the
>>        corresponding
>>        Fcalc maps, it seems that the second atom in a.pdb gets
>>        ignored, whereas
>>        both atoms in b.pdb are included. There is nothing obvious in
>>        the log
>>        files to hint to what is happening (i.e. both files state
>>        "Number of atoms input            =             2
>>         Number of atoms in sort          =           2
>>         Number in density generation     =      2
>>         Number completely within fft box =      2
>>             Minimum B =     5.91
>>             Maximum B =     5.97
>>             Average B =     5.94
>>        "
>>        We observed this behavior on mac and on Linux.
>>        Cheers,
>>        Jens

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