Hi Tom et al.,

While probably unrelated, as a fresh graduate student we did one experiment 
where we observed no diffraction signal at all - no beamstop shadow, solvent 
ring etc. Being clever (we thought), we ran burn paper from the slits into the 
hutch, then through the hutch step by step along the path, to the detector 
position. We confirmed that the beam was indeed aligned, and when the beamstop 
was removed, that the beam was getting to the large sheet of lead in front of 
the detector. It was at that point, that the problem become obvious. We still 
have about two centuries of burn paper left in the cold room!

In a second case we were working on a beamline on the west coast of the US. 
Every crystal we put on vanished before we could even collect data - the loops 
appeared empty as soon as we looked through the microscope (this sets the 
decade). The beamline had an extra strong magnet on the goniometer and on 
closer inspection we saw that the hutch wall next to the goniometer was 
peppered with many crystals - they were being catapulted out of the loop when 
the base 'flipped' onto the magnet. There were so many that others will know 
this beamline.

Both are probably unrelated to what you observed, some crystals are just ghost 
crystals, a term coined by George DeTitta I think. I'd love to know why myself.

If all else fails, grow more crystals - shameless plug http://getacrystal.org

A wonderful holiday season to all and may the new year be full of strongly 
diffracting crystals and plenty of X-rays.

Best wishes,


Edward Snell Ph.D.
President and CEO Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
Assistant Prof. Department of Structural Biology, University at Buffalo
700 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-1102
Phone:     (716) 898 8631         Fax: (716) 898 8660
Skype:      eddie.snell                 Email: esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu
Heisenberg was probably here!

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Tom 
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 2:45 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Crystal with ZERO diffraction

Dear ccp4b collective mind and experience,

Greetings from San Diego.

I have done my fair share of synchrotron data collection on many diverse 
macromolecular crystal systems.  But this weekend was the first time that I 
ever shot crystals that failed to diffract entirely.

Details:  we have purified and crystallized an ~90 kDa proteolytic fragment 
containing a single point mutant version of a myosin motor domain in complex 
with a separate light chain polypeptide.  The crystals are relatively small 
(10-30 microns in each dimension) but clearly crystalline in character (clear 
faces, edges, and facets).  The crystals tested positive for protein by 
absorbance at 280 nm.  This weekend we tested more than 40 of them for 
diffraction in different cryo solvents and did not observe a single 
identifiable diffracted ray.  It was as if we had only cryo on the end of our 
loops.  Increasing the time of exposure or annealing did nothing to improve the 
situation.  Crystals from a different protein system that we also tested this 
weekend on the same beamline diffracted to beyond 1.3 Å.

I only post this because, in my experience, crystals of this size and 
superficial quality always give some signal--even if it is horrifyingly bad.  
But never complete diffraction silence.  We will work this week to identify 
what it is that we "crystallized".  But can anybody who has had a similar 
experience suggest what it is that could be going on here?

Thanks in advance for any responses.  And happy holidays to us all.

Tom Huxford.
Tom Huxford.
Structural Biochemistry Laboratory
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
San Diego State University
(619) 594-1606

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