On 27/03/17 21:55, Xiao Lei wrote:

Because the picture quality from Coot>>Draw>>Screenshot>>Simple is very low, I tried Coot>>Draw>>Screenshot>>Povray or Raster3D to export high quality picture, but I had an error of "render tool missing" and Coot tried automatically find the render tool but failed. I use Wincoot 0.8 version in Win7. I do know if any of you have similar experience.

The render program is part of Ethan Merritt's Raster3D package/suite. The build system in coot that attempts to compile it is a bit fragile.



p.s. Draw -> Additional Representation -> Ball & Stick makes things a bit nicer, as does Extensions -> Representation -> Highlight Interesting Site (still not as nice as a proper molecular graphics program though).

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