
I think you are now looking for additional crystallographic and 
non-crystallographic symmetry, because finding 40 particles in arbitrary 
positions and orientations is going to be brutal.

I wouldn’t take the cell and point group assignment from XDS at face value.  
Rather I think you should put XDS_ASCII.HKL through phenix.xtriage and 
POINTLESS in the CCP4 suite of programs.  Both can be invoked from the command 

phenix.xtriage XDS_ASCII.HKL

That handles the crystallographic symmetry part.  Let us know how it turns out.

It is also possible that there is extensive NCS, and if the space group 
assignment holds, I’d ask again about that.  As Jacob Keller’s response 
suggests, most people are going to suggest that you lock down crystallographic 
symmetry before looking at NCS.


On Apr 26, 2017, at 2:34 PM, Jademilson Santos 
<<>> wrote:

Greetings all,

I am having trouble with a data set and would like to know if somebody can 
help. I'm working with a protein of approximately 50 kDa, which I have 
successfully crystallized. The crystals diffracted at a resolution of 3,65 
angstroms and upon initial processing using XDS i obtained the following 

space group: P21
ISA = 33.3
cell unit: a=285.2, b=135.9, c= 287.5, α=90, β=117.5, γ=90

Matthews coefficient indicates that there are 40 molecules in the asymmetric 

I am currently running the program Phaser (Phenix) to determine the phase via 
molecular replacement with a model that has 49% homology and query coverage of 
94% and the program is taking extremly long to finish. In this case in which 
there is an extremly high number of molecules in the asymmetric unit, is this 
actually possible? Does someone know how to work with these values and is there 
a specific strategy which i must follow?


Jademilson Celestino dos Santos

Laboratory of Applied Structural Biology
Department of Microbiology
Institute of Biomedical Sciences
University of São Paulo- USP

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