HI Jacob

Unbiased estimate of the true unmerged I/sig(I) of your data (I find this 
particularly useful at low resolution) i.e. if your inner shell Rmerge is 10% 
your data agree very poorly; if 2% says your data agree very well provided you 
have sensible multiplicity… obviously depends on sensible interpretation. Rpim 
hides this (though tells you more about the quality of average measurement) 

Essentially, for I/sig(I) you can (by and large) adjust your sig(I) values 
however you like if you were so inclined. You can only adjust Rmerge by 
excluding measurements.

I would therefore defend that - amongst the other stats you enumerate below - 
it still has a place 

Cheers Graeme

> On 4 Jul 2017, at 14:10, Keller, Jacob <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org> wrote:
>> Rmerge does contain information which complements the others. 
> What information? I was trying to think of a counterargument to what I 
> proposed, but could not think of a reason in the world to keep reporting it.
> On 4 Jul 2017, at 12:00, Keller, Jacob 
> <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org<mailto:kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>> wrote:
> Dear Crystallographers,
> Having been repeatedly chagrinned about the continued use and reporting of 
> Rmerge rather than Rmeas or similar, I thought of a potential way to promote 
> the change: what if merging programs would completely omit Rmerge/cryst/sym? 
> Is there some reason to continue to report these stats, or are they just 
> grandfathered into the software? I doubt that any journal or crystallographer 
> would insist on reporting Rmerge per se. So, I wonder what developers would 
> think about commenting out a few lines of their code, seeing what happens? 
> Maybe a comment to the effect of "Rmerge is now deprecated; use Rmeas" would 
> be useful as well. Would something catastrophic happen?
> All the best,
> Jacob Keller
> *******************************************
> Jacob Pearson Keller, PhD
> Research Scientist
> HHMI Janelia Research Campus / Looger lab
> Phone: (571)209-4000 x3159
> Email: kell...@janelia.hhmi.org<mailto:kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>
> *******************************************
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