- which may well be caused by your cryo-protection or flash-cooling procedure.
I'd try to collect a few images at room temperature to see how good the 
crystals can be and if this procedure can be improved.
To prevent overlaps, it may help to find a way to collect the data with the 
crystal rotating around the most problematic cell axis, which tends to be the 
shortest in the crystal. Bent loops might be helpful.

Mark J van Raaij
Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
calle Darwin 3
E-28049 Madrid, Spain
tel. (+34) 91 585 4616
http://wwwuser <http://www.cnb.csic.es/~mjvanraaij>.cnb.csic.es/~mjvanraaij 

> On 13 Jul 2017, at 11:13, Keller, Jacob <kell...@janelia.hhmi.org> wrote:
> You've got multiple lattices--try seeding approaches mentioned in a 
> recent/current thread.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of ???
> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 3:56 AM
> Subject: [ccp4bb] weird diffraction pattern
> hello everyone, 
> I would like to seek your opinion on my crystal hits. I am working on a 
> helicase 
> of which the native structure is solved and the all solution statistics are 
> fine. I am trying to crystallize and solve the structure of the protein/ssDNA 
> complex. I recently got some hits from commercial screens using sitting drop 
> vapor diffusion. After crystallization optimization, these crystals diffract 
> weakly but to 3.2 Angstroms for the longer exposure time. However, when the 
> crystals rotate between 120 degrees to 180 degrees, the spots become streaky
> (attached), no matter the crystals are hexagonal or flaky. I have tried to 
> determine the structure by molecular replacement method, but the Rwork/Rfree 
> values are huge (above 0.5) and can’t be reduced further. I suspect the 
> obtained crystals quality and resulting processed statistics is the reason 
> for 
> the observed high Rwork/Rfree values. Are there any suggestions?
> All comments will be appreciated!
> Best,
> Chenjun Tang

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