Dear all,
I have several datasets (one best resolution reaching 2.2A), giving C2 space 
group, two molecules in an asymmetry unit (65.1% of solvent content).  When 
running MR using a template (<20% sequence identify to the target molecule), I 
got a solution with high TFZ (23.7) and LLG (842). However, the Rfree sticks to 
50% in the structural refinement using phenix. There is no complain in Xtriage 
- no twin, no translational NCS.  I think that the structure solution looks 
reasonable, which can explain the three disulfide bond formations through the 
sequence threading.  I tried to search three molecules in the asymmetry unit, 
but the final solution gives me two molecules.
Do you have any suggestion for this high Rfree problem?
Thank you very much for your help.
All the very best,

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