Dear All,

Registration ( is open for 
the BSG Winter Meeting next Monday (18th) at the Cavendish Labs, Cambridge.

The meeting is aimed at giving the audience an insight into the "joy and pain" 
of protein crystallographic/structural biology research. Speakers have been 
asked to choose a particular piece of published work from any stage of their 
career and speak about the "real" story behind it - the people, the chance 
meeting, the experimental process, the 100's of failed trials that eventually 
led to "perfect" experiments, etc. The aim here is to give the audience a 
deeper insight into the processes that lead to the wonderful science that 
structural biology reveals.


Professor Malcolm Longair, Cavendish Laboratory, “Decline and Regeneration: the 
Cavendish Laboratory 1932 to 1953 and the Development of Molecular Biology”

Professor Judith Howard, Durham University, “Early diffraction experiment at 
low temperature - with reference to a PRS paper on unstable Pt species”

Sir Tom Blundell, University of Cambridge, ”Joy and Pain in Nature and Science: 
Structural biology of DNA-PK and DNA Double-strand-break Repair"

Professor Randy Read, University of Cambridge, ”The road to ab initio phasing 
by molecular replacement"

Dr. Pamela Williams, Astex Pharmaceuticals, “Crystal structure of human 
cytochrome P450 2C9 with bound warfarin”

Dr. Ben Bax, York Structural Biology Laboratory“Structural studies in support 
of the development of new antibiotics targeting DNA gyrase and the development 
of oligonucleotide topoisomerase inhibitors (OTIs)”

Professor Janet Thornton, European Bioinformatics Institute, “Of Exploration 
and Errors - PROCHECK - an 'accidental' paper”

Dr. Richard Henderson, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, “The struggle to 
get high resolution phases for 2D crystals of bacteriorhodopsin - pain, joy, 
more pain, more joy”

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