
I forgot something - "paired refinement" is the current gold standard for 
determining a sensible resolution cut-off (see other ccp4bb discussions on the 

On 10 Oct 2018, at 11:49, Harry Powell wrote:

> Hi
> As a referee, if I had been supplied with data processing statistics that 
> indicate there is good information going to a higher resolution than that 
> used for refinement etc, I would want to know why the data had been cut off. 
> "Making life easier" wouldn't cut the mustard, I'm afraid! 
> Clearly, the CC1/2 of 0.796 in the high resolution shell shows that there is 
> good internal agreement to at least 1.05Å - this internal agreement is 
> normally taken to mean that the data are "good to that resolution". The mean 
> I/sd(I) is also quite high in the high resolution shell, which is also 
> encouraging. I might be inclined to ask why the data were cut to such a low 
> resolution of 1.05Å anyway...
> A quick back of the envelope calculation suggests that cutting back from 1.05 
> to 1.1Å is throwing away ~15% of the data (cutting back to 1.2Å throws away 
> ~1/3 of the data). Not sure I'd want to do that without a really good 
> justification.
> However, Michail Isupov raises a very important point; one of the things that 
> I always teach when discussing "Table 1" is that the statistics for the low 
> resolution shell should be the best, those for the high resolution shell 
> should be the worst, and the overall statistics should be in between (but 
> with luck and a following wind closer to those for the low resolution shell). 
> Anything else indicates a problem either in the data collection or the data 
> processing; with very high resolution data, the first things I would look at 
> are possible overloads in the low resolution shell (in iMosflm there's a  
> plot of the overloads which is not displayed by default but it's easy to turn 
> it on...). 
> The real answer involves looking at the data processing in detail before 
> cutting out any data, as others have said. Maybe even taking some time to 
> look at the diffraction images themselves.
> Overloading high I reflections (which tend to be at low resolution...) is 
> very easy when chasing high resolution reflections, and is a reason to 
> collect data in multiple passes to get the best measurements of both strong 
> and weak reflections; it's something that used to be quite common amongst the 
> people who collect good datasets. At least some lab-based small molecule 
> instruments do multiple passes automatically.
> On 10 Oct 2018, at 11:13, Antonio Ariza wrote:
>> Hi Pavel,
>> Obviously higher resolution typically means a more accurate atomic model of 
>> a crystal structure, but I also think that a 1.05 Ang structure is only 
>> going to provide you with a great deal more insight than a  1.1 or 1.2 Ang 
>> structure in very specific cases. Particularly if your stats aren't 
>> completely ideal , why not make sure you get the best possible stats out of 
>> your data by slightly cutting the resolution, which is still going to leave 
>> you with a VERY high resolution data set (at least I would consider 1.1 or 
>> 1.2 Ang as very high resolution)?
>> Please forgive my ignorance, but I have to admit I haven't researched this 
>> topic. Is there something wrong with using TLS refinement coupled with 
>> anisotropic refinement in Refmac? I just checked and I have found that TLS 
>> still provides a small drop in the R factors when comparing anisotropic 
>> refinement to TLS + anisotropic refinement in the 1.2 Ang data set I'm 
>> currently working on. Ok, it's just under 0.5%, which I admit isn't a huge 
>> change, but shouldn't I take any improvement I can get?
>> Cheers,
>> Tony
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Dr. Antonio Ariza
>> University of Oxford
>> Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
>> South Parks Road
>> Oxford
>> OX1 3RE
>> e-mail: antonio.ar...@path.ox.ac.uk
>> Tel: 00 +44 1865 285655
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>> Check out my latest paper!!!
>> Structural insights into the function of ZRANB3 in replication stress 
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