I am an old hand at the BB - I guess I am both a methodoligist (Sp?) and
formerly a software developer.
You can only develop useful software if you continuously liase with users -
it is all too easy to produce a beautiful artefact that no-one either wants
or can use easily. And all too easy to fail to spot the bugs in your
code..The BB has been one of the valuable links between users and
developers, and gives us all a quick and straightforward way to communicate

I am proud of the way developers are now putting real effort in to
reporting results, and providing a meaningful analysis of potential
problems. But this sort of online guideance needs user response too - is it
comprehenible? Is it accurate?  etc etc.

It will be interesting if you can stimulate debate about these issues.

Thank you
Eleanor Dodson

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 19:01, Robbie Joosten <robbie_joos...@hotmail.com>

> Hi Marie-Hélène,
> Thanks for having such a wide 5-20 years category. Keeps me from feeling
> really old ;)
> I can honestly say that I've learned a lot on the BB and that some of the
> discussions have really broadened my knowledge beyond the standard books. I
> try to pay it forward whenever I can.
> It is wonderful that we have a community where the oldest members are four
> times as old as the youngest ones and many people contribute not just
> knowledge and insight, but also historical perspective on our long-standing
> field.
> Cheers,
> Robbie
> Cheers,
> Robbie
> On 17 Dec 2018 19:19, LE DU Marie-Hélène <
> marie-helene.l...@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr> wrote:
> Dear CCP4 users ,
> Not only is CCP4 a historical project born to promote the collaborative
> development of software dedicated to crystallography, but it has played a
> key role in building the biological crystallography community and remains
> an international reference and a keystone.
> CCP4 also represents a very valuable teaching community through
> interactions between newcomers and experts.
> Following the French MOOC " Voyage au coeur du vivant avec les rayons X :
> la cristallographie." "("A journey I the heart of life with X-ray:
> crystallography"), I have initiated an analysis of CCP4 as a teaching
> community.
> In order to complete this analysis, your contribution would be very
> useful. Thank you in advance for completing the following short survey
> (5-10 min):
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JMP9HISMefYOYDm077VgALrVJWo7vqRuUvhW1wqbk8s/edit
> Best regards
> *Marie-Hélène Le Du*
> *Attention, nouvelles coordonnées :*
> Bâtiment 21, Avenue de la Terrasse
> 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
> France
> E-mail : *marie-helene.l...@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr
> <marie-helene.l...@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr>*
> Tel : (33) (0)1 69 82 46 73
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