Dear CCP4 users ,

Not only is CCP4 a historical project born to promote the collaborative 
development of software dedicated to crystallography, but it has played a key 
role in building the biological crystallography community and remains an 
international reference and a keystone.
CCP4 also represents a very valuable teaching community through interactions 
between newcomers and experts.
Following the French MOOC " Voyage au coeur du vivant avec les rayons X : la 
cristallographie." "("A journey I the heart of life with X-ray: 
crystallography"), I have initiated an analysis of CCP4 as a teaching community.
In order to complete this analysis, your contribution would be very useful.
If you have not yet done so, thank you for filling in the following short 
survey (5-10 min):

Best regards

Marie-Hélène Le Du

Bâtiment 21, Avenue de la Terrasse
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
E-mail :<>
Tel : (33) (0)1 69 82 46 73


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