Good morning and Happy New Year to you

In brief, it can be used to create screens although programming multiple
ingredients with varying viscosities will initially be a fairly steep
challenge since the software is not specific to crystallization. It can be
done though and provided that you can re-use protocols (I.e. today you set
up PEG 3350 versus salt and pH and tomorrow you set up PEG 6000 versus salt
and pH without changing concentrations) it can even be effective.

You would likely need to write your own code for gradients and suchlike but
maybe you can borrow from existing protocols a bit. It is all in Python

I would not use this robot for setting drops unless there is so much
protein available that 1ul + 1ul drops are not wasteful. The pipettors are
essentially the same (in terms of tolerances and volume limits) as your
average wet lab hardware. Now, if you have a willing colleague with
mechanical and coding mojo at your disposal you can probably modify the
robot to use a crystallization friendly operating device, assuming you can
get a hold of an accurate sub microliter dispenser with an open API. The
robot API is open towards change.

In a nutshell this robot is sort of like a large 3D printer chassis with a
deck and pipettors bolted on. If you love to tinker this is a machine for
you. Cannot beat the price.


On Mon, Dec 31, 2018, 12:46 Doug Juers < wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've just learned about the opentrons pipetting robot, which appears to be
> quite affordable relative to other robots. I'm wondering if anyone here on
> ccp4 bb has any experience with it - for creating crystallization screens
> and/or setting drops?
> Best,
> Doug
> -------------
> Douglas Juers
> Physics Department
> Program in BBMB
> Whitman College
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