Dear all,

On 27/11/2019 14:03, Kay Diederichs wrote:
As an example, by default in my lab we have the operating system on mdadm RAID1 
which consists of two disks that mirror each other. If one of the disks fails, 
typically we only notice this when inspecting the system log files.

This won't help Vaheh, but I highly recommend configuring notifications of changes in the state of the RAID in this kind of setup:

(1) configure /etc/mdadm.conf with (as a minumum) the MAILADDR keyword (see 'man mdadm.conf' for a complete list of keywords). Alternatively, use the PROGRAM keyword and write a script that uses something like 'wall' to notify users.

(2) test that notifications get through to their intended destination with 'mdadm --monitor --test'. If the local MTA (postfix, sendmail,...) isn't set up correctly, you may need to do that too.

(3) make sure that 'mdadm --monitor --scan' is running. Depending on distro, this will be done with the usual service enable and startup commands, something like

   systemctl enable --now mdmonitor


   chkconfig --add mdmonitor

   service mdmonitor start

And yes, you've guessed it, we got bitten once by a software RAID with multiple disk failures, and we only noticed it when an application complained that it couldn't write to a file ;-)



Peter Keller                             Tel.: +44 (0)1223 353033
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