On Wed, 2019-11-27 at 14:03 +0000, Kay Diederichs wrote:
> Hi Vaheh,
> RAID on Linux comes in different flavours and levels; the flavours are 
> software RAID (mdadm) and hardware RAID (dedicated RAID controller or 
> motherboard), and the levels are RAID0 RAID1 RAID5 RAID6 RAID10 and a few 
> others. These details influence what the user will notice when a disk goes 
> bad. Without knowing what you have, it is difficult to help.
> As an example, by default in my lab we have the operating system on mdadm 
> RAID1 which consists of two disks that mirror each other. If one of the disks 
> fails, typically we only notice this when inspecting the system log files. 
> Replacing the disk, and re-silvering the RAID1 is not trivial and requires 
> some reading of material on the web. 
> It sounds like you don't have this type of RAID1, or maybe there is some 
> mis-configuration.
> good luck,
> Kay
Just to add a bit of advice based on long experience:  Unless you really
do it every day, looking at system logs can be an unreliable way to see
when you have a bad disk.  Assuming you have root access on your Linux
system, there is a tool called logwatch that can be set to look at your
logs for you and send you an email every day with selected excerpts.
So I add a script (I call it runmdadm) to root's /etc/cron.daily to
run mdadm every night and get the RAID info into the log.  I use egrep
in the script to pick out the important output.  Part of my script looks
like this (details changed):

# Run mdadm to check status of RAID arrays
echo "mdadm /dev/md0" > /var/tmp/mdadm.log
/sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md0 | egrep 'active|removed' >> \

Then you can follow the instructions for logwatch to add this new
/var/tmp/mdadm.log to the list of logs it looks at.  (Or change the
above script to add the mdadm info to a log logwatch already looks at.)
If you have hardware RAID, the idea is the same, but you need to use
a command to the hardware controller instead of mdadm.

George Reeke (an old lurker)


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