Hi all,
Just to conclude on this - ARCIMBOLDO via CCP4 in coiled coil mode worked quite 
nicely in the end now that I finally had time to work through it - took a few 
days with 8 x 20 aa peptides as the search set
on my old iMac but the end result was fine :). So didn't have to try other 
options really in the end. The pipe line worked quite nicely given there are 
400 residues in the asymmetric unit.

Thanks for everyone for the suggestions and advice!


On Oct 8, 2019, at 12:00 PM, IRACEMA CABALLERO MUÑOZ 
<icm...@ibmb.csic.es<mailto:icm...@ibmb.csic.es>> wrote:

Hi Tommi, as sent by Kay ARCIMBOLDO has a specific mode to solve coiled coils 

Here you can find the tutorial: http://chango.ibmb.csic.es/tutorial_coiled, it 
explains how to launch it through the command line and a summary explaining the 
improvements of the mode.

It can also be launched through CCP4i, here you only need to activate "run 
coiled-coil mode" and put the search strategy (number of helices and helix 
length). In this supplementary table, you have examples of the search strategy 
for 150 cases  https://doi.org//10.1107/S2059798317017582/cb5097sup2.xlsx


And please if you have any questions just let me know.

Best wishes,

El mar., 8 oct. 2019 a las 9:33, Daniel Rigden 
(<drig...@liverpool.ac.uk<mailto:drig...@liverpool.ac.uk>>) escribió:
Hi Tommi

Yes, AMPLE does well with coiled-coils. The QUARK route is the easiest
to try. In your position I would simply trim a bit of sequence off
either end. Maybe you can see homologs that are a bit shorter at one
terminus? In any case, that's unlikely to affect the modelling and we've
seen QUARK make good models of coiled-coil proteins.

For Rosetta modelling we simply recommend you use the Robetta server
http://robetta.bakerlab.org/fragmentsubmit.jsp for fragment libraries.
Unless you're processing large numbers of sequences it's not worth
getting to grips with local fragment library generation. At the moment
CCP4online takes a file of ready-made models, not carrying out the
actual modelling for you. Doing local Rosetta modelling via AMPLE is as
described here

Recently, in collaboration with Owen Davies in Newcastle, we've made
some big improvements to AMPLE's abilities with coiled-coils, involving
more bespoke modelling protocols, both of a single chain and, where the
information is known, of a parallel oligomer. I gather Owen has been in
touch with you about these. The code is available but is not in the
current CCP4 distribution. We're also planning to improve the AMPLE
documentation in the next few months and we'll include an example of use
of this new coiled-coil mode at that time.

Best wishes


On 07/10/2019 22:33, Kajander, Tommi A wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a bit tricky case of coiled coil protein with good data (2.05Å) for 
> dimeric coiled coil (dimer in AU)  - looks like AMPLE might be a way
> to solve such cases, if you know other good programs please suggest (Better 
> yet if there is a clear how-to manual)
> Some technical tips on usage for generation of fragments for AMPLE would be 
> of help, not completely on top of that… (running the QUARK server, the real 
> sequence is bit over 200 aa so not sure what is the best approach here? 
> Rosetta? any how-to for that.. well i am running Robetta fragments too).
> with AMPLE can I do this with the online server or better run locally (need 
> Rosetta installed I take it?)
> Suppose I could try Rosetta-MR also, but to my recollection that requires 
> some kind of a phaser hit first to be improved, and i dont think I am there.
> Thanks for any comments,
> Best,
> Tommi
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Prof Daniel Rigden
Institute of Integrative Biology
Room 101, Biosciences Building
University of Liverpool
Crown St., Liverpool, L69 7ZB

(+44) 151 795 4467


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Tommi Kajander, PhD
Principal investigator
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1 (PO Box 65)
University of Helsinki
+358 294158904


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