Dear all,
I feel the need to respond following last week’s critique of the use of Coot’s 
map blurring tool for providing diagnostic insight and aiding ligand 

> On 24 Nov 2020, at 16:02, Dale Tronrud < 
> <>> wrote:
> To me, this sounds like a very dangerous way to use this tool decide if a 
> ligand has bound.  I would be very reluctant to modify my map with a range of 
> arbitrary parameters until it looked like what I wanted to see.  The 
> sharpening and blurring of this tool is not guided or limited by theory or 
> data.

I disagree with this, subject to the important qualification that care is 
needed with interpretation. Blurring isn't a crime - it merely involves 
adjusting the weighting given to lower versus higher resolution reflections, 
and thus allows relaxation of the choice of high-resolution limit, and 
facilitates local investigation of regions that exhibit a poor signal-to-noise 
ratio. This is particularly pertinent to liganded compounds, which are 
typically present with sub-unitary occupancies.
Coot's blurring merely involves convolution of the whole map with an isotropic 
3D Gaussian, with a parameter (B-factor) to control the standard deviation of 
the Gaussian. This corresponds to reweighting the structure factors in order to 
give higher weight to lower-resolution reflections. This approach is guided by 
a very simple theory: higher resolution structure factors (SFs) are typically 
noisier, with a worse signal-to-noise ratio than lower resolution SFs (due to 
increased errors in both observed higher-resolution reflections and calculated 
phases). Consequently, increasing the blurring B-factor reduces the effect of 
the noisier higher-resolution SFs. This results in a map that should be more 
reliable, but at the expense of reduced structural detail due to artificially 
reducing the effective resolution.
It should be noted that this does assume that lower resolution reflections are 
more reliable than higher resolution ones. So, good low-resolution data quality 
and completeness is important.
Unfortunately, determination of an optimal B-factor parameter is not presently 
automated. Consequently, users are currently expected to trial different values 
in the Coot slider tool in order to maximise information and gain, for want of 
a better word, intuition. Furthermore, due to the spatially heterogeneous 
nature of atomic positional uncertainty in macromolecular complexes, it can be 
that different B-factor parameters are of optimal usefulness in different local 
regions of the map that exhibit different signal-to-noise ratios. Such issues 
are on-going areas of research.
The main problem is that interpretation is subjective. In difficult cases, it 
is necessary to obtain as much information and insight as possible in order to 
gain a good intuition. If you can't see a ligand in the "standard" maps, but 
you can see evidence for a ligand in blurred density (or difference density) 
maps of the various types, then it means that careful exploration of those 
avenues is required. Any "evidence" from viewing such maps and map types should 
serve to guide intuition, and should be digested along with all other available 
information. Such complementary maps should be seen as diagnostics to gain 
intuition, rather than something that can be used as an unequivocal argument 
for ligand binding.
Ultimately, the presence of significant density in a blurred map means that 
there is something substantial present. Or in a blurred difference density that 
there is something missing from the current model. This could be a missing 
ligand, or it could be a mismodelled region of the macromolecule, or it could 
be mismodelled solvent (in which case re-evaluating any solvent mask may be 
worthwhile). Ultimately it is down to the practitioner to explore all potential 
explanations for any such behaviour, in order to maximise intuition and 
convince themselves of the crystal's structural composition.
In some cases the presence of density in a blurred map might be sufficient to 
convince the practitioner that it is worth pursing investigation of binding. 
This may take various forms: hypothesising an approximate pose for the ligand; 
the nature of interactions in the structural environment of the macromolecule; 
re-evaluation after modelling and refinement; or simply stating that there may 
be evidence of binding. In many cases, the latter is the appropriate action, 
and, as Robbie quite rightly pointed out: "in a scientific setting this digging 
is not to come to a strong conclusion, but only to see if you should pursue the 
project and do additional experiments".

> On 24 Nov 2020, at 16:02, Dale Tronrud < 
> <>> wrote:
> [...] to avoid bias in the interpretation of the results, all of the 
> statistical procedures are decided upon BEFORE the study is even began. This 
> protocol is written down and peer reviewed at the start. Then the study is 
> performed and the protocol is followed exactly.
> [...] I would recommend that you decide what sort of map you think is the 
> best at showing features of your active site, based on the resolution of your 
> data set and other qualities of your project, before you calculate your first 
> Fourier transform.  If you think a Polder map is the bee's knees then 
> calculate a Polder map and live with it.  If you are convinced of the value 
> of a FEM, or a Buster map, or a SA omit map, or whatever, calculate that map 
> instead and live with it.

I agree that such an approach would be more scientific, and I certainly find 
this idea very appealing. Whilst I hesitate to speak against such a philosophy, 
I feel it is necessary to temper/balance this view by pitching a 
counterargument in the interests of pragmatism - in general it's just not that 
practical. And perhaps propositions for revolution of best-practice policies 
within the field should be distinct from current practical recommendation, in 
the interests of avoiding potential confusion for the student/user who simply 
wants a solution that they can apply to today's problems. 
Whilst it sounds like a nice ideal, in general it is difficult to know which 
pathologies might be encountered (e.g. ambiguous density in the binding site; 
twinning; modelling difficulties around a symmetry axis; multiple 
conformations; semi-disorder; post-translational chemical modifications; 
radiation damage… the list goes on). It's completely acceptable for someone 
encountering a problem for the first time to explore what tools are available 
to guide any decision-making, in the hope of achieving the best model possible. 
A typical user cannot be expected to outline a strategy for every eventuality a 
priori - that sounds more like the design of an automated pipeline, not advice 
that users should be expected follow.
In summary, it's unadvisable to put all eggs in one basket (of one type of map, 
Polder or otherwise). If an experienced user likes a particular tool because 
it's worked well for them in the past, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't try 
other tools now (in this case: view other types of maps) the next time they 
encounter a problem. Especially given that tools in our field are still very 
much evolving over time. Different approaches may have more value and provide 
more insight in different circumstances.
Best regards,



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