Hello guys,
   I am having some problems running Aimless from the CCP4i packages. I
want to scale without merging the data. The input mtz file for aimless was
either the mtz file directly from Imosflm integration, or from Pointless
from a previous run on Imosflm. I ran both pointless and aimless
successfully on the Imosflm UI, after integration. However I just couldn't
do it from the CCP4i. From the log it seems there's always an error
message:  "#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "OpenFile: cannot open file
   I googled this line and found no hit. So does anyone know what's
happening and how to solve this problem?
Thank you,
Jiang Xu
Lin Chen Research Group
University of Southern California


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#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 7.0.078
#CCP4I DATE 16 Jun 2021  10:32:41
#CCP4I USER linchenlab
#CCP4I PROJECT alpha1actx
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/linchenlab
#CCP4I HOSTNAME linchenlab
#CCP4I PID 10938

 ### CCP4 7.0.078: POINTLESS        version 1.11.21 : 10/05/19##
 User: unknown  Run date: 16/ 6/2021 Run time: 10:32:41 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

==== Command line arguments ====
HKLOUT /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp
XMLOUT /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_pointless.xml

Release Date: 10th May 2019

==== Input command lines ====

HKLIN /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/pointless_run_11_00001.mtz
## This script run with the command   ##########
# /usr/bin/CCP4/ccp4-7.0/bin/pointless HKLOUT 
"/tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp" XMLOUT &

====     End of input    ====

        *                                                    *
        *                     POINTLESS                      *
        *                      1.11.21                       *
        *                                                    *
        *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
        *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
        * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
        *                                                    *

Reflection list generated from file: 

Title: Untitled

   Space group from HKLIN file : P 21 21 21
   Cell:    45.59   46.91  149.84   90.00   90.00   90.00
   Resolution range in file:     74.92        2.26

Time for reading file(s):    0.393 secs


>*> Summary of test data read in:
   Resolution range accepted:    74.92        2.26

   Number of reflections      =         15828
   Number of observations     =        157818
   Number of parts            =        324574
   Number of batches in file  =           269
   Number of datasets         =             1
      Project: New Crystal: New Dataset: New
      Run number:   1 consists of batches 1 - 269
         Resolution range for run:    74.92        2.26
         Phi range:    90.51 to   359.51   Time range:    90.51 to   359.51
         Closest reciprocal axis to spindle: b* (angle   16.7 degrees)
   Unit cell for dataset:    45.59   46.91  149.84   90.00   90.00   90.00
         Wavelength:  0.99993

Numbers of observations marked in the FLAG column
By default all flagged observations are rejected
Observations may be counted in more than one category

                             Flagged  Accepted   Maximum   MaxAccepted
   BGratio too large              0       0       1.800       0.000
   PKratio too large             53       0       5.100       0.000
   Negative < 5sigma              1       0
   Gradient too large             3       0       0.047       0.000
   Profile-fitted overloads       1       1
   Spots on edge               3324       0
   XDS misfits (outliers)         0       0


Number of reflections  =             15828
Number of observations =            157818
Number of scaled observations =        814
Average multiplicity =                10.0

Resolution range in list:      74.92 ->   2.26
Intensity normalisation: B-factor =  -14.3  +  -0.0480 * time  (final B -27.2)

Estimation of useful resolution for point group determination:
Point group correlation statistics are not reliable for very weak data,
so a high resolution cutoff (for this purpose only) is estimated either
 from CC(1/2) using P1 (Friedel) symmetry (limit  0.60), or
 from Mean(I/sigma(I)) (limit   6.00), if there are sufficient data

High-resolution estimate from CC(1/2):      2.77
High-resolution estimate from <I/sig(I)>:   3.14

High resolution limit reset to 2.77   using CC(1/2) cutoff (in P1)

$TABLE: Mn(I/sigI) and CC(1/2) [in P1] vs. resolution:
$GRAPHS:Resolution estimate 2.77A:0.000178159|0.196133x0|1:2,4,6,7,9:
  N  1/d^2    Dmid CC(1/2)   N_CC   CCfit  Mn(I/sigI)      N (I/sigI)/10   $$ $$
  1  0.0034  17.04   0.984     96   0.987       82.08    269       8.208
  2  0.0100  10.01   0.987    350   0.984       82.59   1009       8.259
  3  0.0165   7.78   0.977    514   0.981       42.51   1513       4.251
  4  0.0230   6.59   0.968    632   0.977       30.98   1895       3.098
  5  0.0296   5.82   0.952    707   0.972       24.85   2105       2.485
  6  0.0361   5.26   0.954    768   0.966       28.56   2329       2.856
  7  0.0426   4.84   0.947    966   0.958       29.89   2840       2.989
  8  0.0492   4.51   0.940   1065   0.949       30.61   3175       3.061
  9  0.0557   4.24   0.916   1120   0.939       23.25   3339       2.325
 10  0.0622   4.01   0.906    832   0.926       23.44   2390       2.344
 11  0.0688   3.81   0.887    718   0.911       14.83   2115       1.483
 12  0.0753   3.64   0.844    405   0.893       13.34   1177       1.334
 13  0.0818   3.50   0.871    744   0.872       11.97   2226       1.197
 14  0.0884   3.36   0.790   1060   0.847        9.04   3077       0.904
 15  0.0949   3.25   0.818   1631   0.819        7.94   4591       0.794
 16  0.1014   3.14   0.796   1650   0.787        6.52   4610       0.652
 17  0.1080   3.04   0.771   1786   0.751        5.18   4833       0.518
 18  0.1145   2.96   0.738   1754   0.711        4.39   4656       0.439
 19  0.1210   2.87   0.689   1779   0.668        3.83   4690       0.383
 20  0.1275   2.80   0.649   1926   0.621        3.11   4810       0.311
 21  0.1341   2.73   0.608   1978   0.572        2.89   4889       0.289
 22  0.1406   2.67   0.530    469   0.522        2.41   1091       0.241
 23  0.1471   2.61   0.487   2110   0.471        2.23   4825       0.223
 24  0.1537   2.55   0.444   2070   0.421        2.08   4648       0.208
 25  0.1602   2.50   0.351   1936   0.373        2.02   4371       0.202
 26  0.1667   2.45   0.303   1876   0.326        1.83   4126       0.183
 27  0.1733   2.40   0.298   1924   0.283        1.70   4103       0.170
 28  0.1798   2.36   0.173   1753   0.244        1.63   3754       0.163
 29  0.1863   2.32   0.179   1813   0.209        1.59   3892       0.159
 30  0.1929   2.28   0.187   1369   0.177        1.46   2859       0.146

Checking for possible twinning
L-test for twinning (acentrics only) to maximum resolution    2.769
 Neighbouring reflections for test are +- 2 on h,k,l

$TABLE: L-test for twinning, twin fraction 0.021:
$GRAPHS:Cumulative distribution of |L|, estimated fraction 0.021:N:1,2,3,4:
      |L|       N(|L|)  Untwinned    Twinned   $$ $$
     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     0.0500     0.0539     0.0500     0.0749
     0.1000     0.1063     0.1000     0.1495
     0.1500     0.1583     0.1500     0.2233
     0.2000     0.2098     0.2000     0.2960
     0.2500     0.2619     0.2500     0.3672
     0.3000     0.3137     0.3000     0.4365
     0.3500     0.3657     0.3500     0.5036
     0.4000     0.4178     0.4000     0.5680
     0.4500     0.4695     0.4500     0.6294
     0.5000     0.5211     0.5000     0.6875
     0.5500     0.5725     0.5500     0.7418
     0.6000     0.6240     0.6000     0.7920
     0.6500     0.6759     0.6500     0.8377
     0.7000     0.7273     0.7000     0.8785
     0.7500     0.7780     0.7500     0.9141
     0.8000     0.8276     0.8000     0.9440
     0.8500     0.8761     0.8500     0.9679
     0.9000     0.9223     0.9000     0.9855
     0.9500     0.9650     0.9500     0.9963
     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from cumulative N(|L|) plot 0.023 (+/-0.001)
   < |L| >:    0.483 (0.5 untwinned, 0.375 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < |L| >    0.021
   < L^2 >:    0.313 (0.333 untwinned, 0.2 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < L^2 >    0.020

The L-test suggests that the data are not twinned
Note that the estimate of the twin fraction from the L-test is not very 
  particularly for high twin fractions. Better estimates from other tests need 
knowledge of
  the point group and the twin operator, which are not available here
Also these statistics come from possibly unscaled (and unmerged) data,
 so may be inaccurate for that reason

Time for twinning test    0.841 secs


- - - - Checking for possible non-primitive lattice absences in a primitive 

Resolution range used in test:    74.9 to    2.77

For each lattice centering type, divide reflections into systematically present
   and systematically absent groups

Systematic absences expected for different lattice centering types
  A         k+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  B         h+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  C         h+k = 2n
  I         h+k+l = 2n
  F         h,k,l all = 2n or h,k,l all != 2n
  R:H      -h+k+l = 3n (hexagonal axes)
  H         h-k = 3n hexagonal system
Key to table:
     N             number of putative 'absent' observations in that lattice
  < I >present     mean intensity for 'present' reflections
  < I >absent      mean intensity for 'absent' reflections
  < E^2 >present   mean I/sig(I)  for 'present' reflections
  < E^2 >absent    mean I/sig(I)  for 'absent' reflections, usually = 1.0, ~=0 
if centered

   LatticeType    Overall     A       B       C       I       F    

      N            84810   42431   42416   42479   42333   63663

  < I >present       620     643     626     624     621     653
  < I >absent                597     614     616     619     609

  < E^2 >present    0.99    1.01    1.00    1.00    0.98    1.04
  < E^2 >absent             0.96    0.97    0.98    0.99    0.97

 Centering probability      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

No extra lattice symmetry found

- - - -
Time for lattice absence test    0.018 secs

Model for expectation(CC) = E(m) if symmetry is absent P(m;!S) = (1-m^k)^(1/k) 
with k =  2.2

Unit cell (from HKLIN file) used to derive lattice symmetry with tolerance   
2.0 degrees
  45.59  46.91 149.84  90.00  90.00  90.00

Tolerance (and delta) is the maximum deviation from the
 expected angle between two-fold axes in the lattice group

Lattice point group: P 4 2 2
Reindexing or changing symmetry
Reindex operator from input cell to lattice cell: [h,k,l]

   h'   = ( h k l ) (       1       0       0 )
                    (       0       1       0 )
                    (       0       0       1 )

Lattice unit cell after reindexing: deviation 1.63 degrees
  45.59  46.91 149.84  90.00  90.00  90.00

Overall CC for 20000 unrelated pairs:   0.008  N= 20000, high resolution limit  

    Estimated expectation value of true correlation coefficient E(CC) =  0.796

    Estimated sd(CC) = 1.015 / Sqrt(N)

  NOTE: high multiplicity data. Maximum multiplicity  32 reduced to maximum  25 
to save time
  Number of reflections omitted from ice rings:      177
Estimated E(CC) of true correlation coefficient from identity =  0.853


Analysing rotational symmetry in lattice group P 4/m m m

Scores for each symmetry element

Nelmt  Lklhd  Z-cc    CC        N  Rmeas    Symmetry & operator (in Lattice 

  1   0.933   8.80   0.88   44210  0.286     identity
  2   0.934   8.75   0.87   57024  0.262 *** 2-fold l ( 0 0 1) {-h,-k,l}
  3   0.933   8.68   0.87   57967  0.255 *** 2-fold k ( 0 1 0) {-h,k,-l}
  4   0.931   8.58   0.86   61157  0.267 *** 2-fold h ( 1 0 0) {h,-k,-l}
  5   0.050   0.03   0.00   56678  0.637     2-fold   ( 1-1 0) {-k,-h,-l}
  6   0.050   0.04   0.00   58239  0.637     2-fold   ( 1 1 0) {k,h,-l}
  7   0.052  -0.06  -0.01  114848  0.602     4-fold l ( 0 0 1) {-k,h,l}{k,-h,l}

Time to determine pointgroup:    1.596 secs

Acceptable Laue groups have scores above  0.20

Scores for all possible Laue groups which are sub-groups of lattice group

Note that correlation coefficients are from intensities approximately normalised
by resolution, so will be worse than the usual values
Rmeas is the multiplicity weighted R-factor

Lklhd is a likelihood measure, a probability used in the ranking of space groups

Z-scores are from combined scores for all symmetry elements
in the sub-group (Z+) or not in sub-group (Z-)

    NetZ = Z+ - Z-

Net Z-scores are calculated for correlation coefficients (cc)
The point-group Z-scores Zc are calculated  
    as the Zcc-scores recalculated for all symmetry elements for or against,

CC- and R- are the correlation coefficients and R-factors for symmetry elements 
not in the group

Delta is maximum angular difference (degrees) between original cell
and cell with symmetry constraints imposed

The reindex operator converts original index scheme into the conventional
scheme for sub-group

Accepted Laue groups are marked '>'
The HKLIN Laue group is marked '=' if accepted, '-' if rejected

   Laue Group        Lklhd   NetZc  Zc+   Zc-    CC    CC-  Rmeas   R-  Delta 

= 1    P m m m  ***  0.984   8.70  8.70  0.00   0.87  0.00   0.27  0.62   0.0 
  2  P 1 2/m 1       0.005   5.32  8.77  3.46   0.88  0.35   0.27  0.48   0.0 
  3  P 1 2/m 1       0.005   5.27  8.74  3.47   0.87  0.35   0.27  0.48   0.0 
  4  P 1 2/m 1       0.005   5.23  8.69  3.46   0.87  0.35   0.28  0.48   0.0 
  5       P -1       0.000   4.47  8.80  4.33   0.88  0.43   0.29  0.44   0.0 
  6      P 4/m       0.000   1.38  5.77  4.39   0.58  0.44   0.38  0.44   1.6 
  7  P 4/m m m       0.000   5.00  5.00  0.00   0.50  0.00   0.42  0.00   1.6 
  8  C 1 2/m 1       0.000  -0.58  4.58  5.16   0.46  0.52   0.45  0.40   1.6 
  9  C 1 2/m 1       0.000  -0.56  4.59  5.16   0.46  0.52   0.45  0.40   1.6 
 10    C m m m       0.000  -1.13  4.51  5.64   0.45  0.56   0.45  0.38   1.6 


Testing Lauegroups for systematic absences

I' is intensity adjusted by subtraction of a small fraction (0.02, NEIGHBOUR)
 of the neighbouring intensities, to allow for possible overlap

$TABLE: Axial reflections, axis a (lattice frame) screw axis 2(1):
$GRAPHS:I/sigI vs. index, axis a, screw axis 2(1):N:1,4,5:
:I vs. index, axis a, screw axis 2(1):N:1,2:
   Index          I       sigI    I/sigI   I'/sigI   $$ $$
       1         -3          3     -0.82      0.00
       2       2988         10    309.93    309.91
       3          9          7      1.19      0.00
       4        273          8     34.89     34.81
       5         23         14      1.71      0.00
       6       3855         23    166.72    166.70
       7        -22         15     -1.46      0.00
       8        262         36      7.30      7.30
       9        -64         24     -2.63      0.00
      10       1299         30     43.14     43.12
      11         20         29      0.70      0.10
      12        678         27     25.41     25.34
      13         71         33      2.12      1.14
      14       1756         40     43.69     43.65
      15        -42         27     -1.58      0.00
      16        358         40      9.01      9.01
      17        -46         40     -1.14      0.23
      18        465         48      9.72      9.68
      19         82         68      1.21      1.07
      20        -22         70     -0.32      0.00

$TABLE: Axial reflections, axis b (lattice frame) screw axis 2(1):
$GRAPHS:I/sigI vs. index, axis b, screw axis 2(1):N:1,4,5:
:I vs. index, axis b, screw axis 2(1):N:1,2:
   Index          I       sigI    I/sigI   I'/sigI   $$ $$
       1         -2          2     -1.10      0.76
       2         46          2     21.61     22.28
       3          2          3      0.66      0.80
       4        273          3     79.66     79.60
       5          9          4      2.31      0.01
       6        719          5    134.44    134.40
       7          4         10      0.34      0.00
       8         35          8      4.45      4.62
       9         -2          8     -0.29      1.22
      10         89         10      9.07      9.06
      11          3         11      0.22      0.82
      12        111         12      9.17      9.16
      13        -25         13     -1.96      0.00
      14        508         14     35.17     35.08
      15         60         15      3.98      2.61
      16        728         15     48.24     48.16
      17          0         16      0.00      0.88
      18         63         17      3.78      3.76
      19         17         18      0.94      1.72
      20        140         22      6.47      6.46

$TABLE: Axial reflections, axis c (lattice frame) screw axis 2(1):
$GRAPHS:I/sigI vs. index, axis c, screw axis 2(1):N:1,4,5:
:I vs. index, axis c, screw axis 2(1):N:1,2:
   Index          I       sigI    I/sigI   I'/sigI   $$ $$
       3         -6          2     -2.69      0.00
       4       1975          6    355.45    356.30
       5          8          3      2.37      0.00
       6        569          6    100.05    100.02
       7        -11          4     -2.49      0.00
       8        851          7    124.16    124.16
       9         -2          5     -0.48      0.00
      10        542          7     76.30     76.29
      11          1          6      0.24      0.07
      12        198          7     27.14     27.14
      13        -15          8     -1.99      0.41
      14        248          8     31.08     31.08
      15         -1          9     -0.08      0.37
      16        363          9     41.48     41.48
      17         -9         10     -0.93      0.00
      18       1622         16    101.85    101.85
      19        -26         12     -2.10      0.00
      20        444         14     32.63     32.63
      21         -5         12     -0.43      0.00
      22       4526         19    238.79    238.79
      23          0         13      0.01      0.00
      24        364         14     25.85     25.83
      25          9         16      0.55      0.00
      26       4307         22    197.83    197.82
      27        -63         21     -3.05      0.00
      28       2628         36     73.83     73.83
      29          1         22      0.03      0.00
      30        691         26     26.13     26.12
      31          8         22      0.38      0.00
      32       6027         33    184.32    184.31
      33        -13         29     -0.43      0.00
      34       8037         40    202.64    202.58
      35        107         37      2.92      0.00
      36       5623         36    156.48    156.42
      37        -43         33     -1.28      0.00
      38       6802         42    161.64    161.63
      39         40         36      1.11      0.38
      40        801         45     18.00     17.99
      41         -9         37     -0.25      0.73
      42        291         41      7.09      7.06
      43         51         41      1.26      0.55
      44       1433         41     35.15     35.13
      45        -14         44     -0.31      0.16
      46        686         37     18.74     18.73
      47         15         40      0.37      0.86
      48        -32         41     -0.78      0.22
      49         62         38      1.63      1.00
      50       2436         46     52.47     52.44
      51          7         35      0.20      0.44
      52        129         39      3.30      3.28
      53         27         35      0.77      0.93
      54        376         39      9.52      9.51
      55        -44         44     -1.00      0.13
      56        935         38     24.62     24.62
      57         13         45      0.29      0.16
      58        -21         38     -0.56      0.46
      59        108         41      2.61      2.58
      60         61         47      1.29      1.35
      61         17         38      0.44      0.86
      62        -86         71     -1.21      0.19
      63        -63         51     -1.23      0.00
      64          8         58      0.15      0.54
      65        117         71      1.64      1.63
      66         41         72      0.57      0.54

Each 'zone' (axis or plane) in which some reflections may be systematically 
are scored by Fourier analysis of I'/sigma(I). 'PeakHeight' is the value
in Fourier space at the relevent point (eg at 1/2 for a 2(1) axis)
relative to the origin. This has an ideal value of 1.0 if the corresponding
symmetry element is present. Zone directions (a,b,c) shown here are in the
lattice group frame

'Probability' is an estimate of how likely the element is to be  present

         Zone                Number PeakHeight  SD  Probability  

Zones for Laue group P m m m
 1 screw axis 2(1) [a]           36   0.993   0.337    ** 0.876   h00: h=2n
 2 screw axis 2(1) [b]           72   0.950   0.337    ** 0.862   0k0: k=2n
 3 screw axis 2(1) [c]          238   0.990   0.198   *** 0.953   00l: l=2n

Time for systematic absence tests:    0.204 secs

Possible spacegroups:
Indistinguishable space groups are grouped together on successive lines

'Reindex' is the operator to convert from the input hklin frame to the standard 
spacegroup frame.

'TotProb' is a total probability estimate (unnormalised)

'SysAbsProb' is an estimate of the probability of the space group based on
the observed systematic absences.

'Conditions' are the reflection conditions (absences)

   Spacegroup         TotProb SysAbsProb     Reindex         Conditions

    P 21 21 21 ( 19)    0.708  0.720                         h00: h=2n, 0k0: 
k=2n, 00l: l=2n (zones 1,2,3)
     P 21 2 21 ( 18)    0.113  0.115                         h00: h=2n, 00l: 
l=2n (zones 1,3)
     P 2 21 21 ( 18)    0.100  0.102                         0k0: k=2n, 00l: 
l=2n (zones 2,3)
     P 21 21 2 ( 18)    0.035  0.035                         h00: h=2n, 0k0: 
k=2n (zones 1,2)
      P 2 2 21 ( 17)    0.016  0.016                         00l: l=2n (zone 3)


Space group confidence (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     0.65

Laue group confidence  (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     0.98

Selecting space group P 21 21 21 as there is a single space group with the 
highest score

 $TEXT:Result: $$ $$
Best Solution:    space group P 21 21 21

   Reindex operator:                   [h,k,l]                 
   Laue group probability:             0.984
   Systematic absence probability:     0.720
   Total probability:                  0.708
   Space group confidence:             0.649
   Laue group confidence               0.981

   Unit cell:    45.59   46.91  149.84      90.00   90.00   90.00

   74.92 to   2.77   - Resolution range used for Laue group search

   74.92 to   2.26   - Resolution range in file, used for systematic absence 

   Number of batches in file:    269

The data do not appear to be twinned, from the L-test


HKLIN spacegroup: P 21 21 21  primitive orthorhombic
Filename: /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/pointless_run_11_00001.mtz


Final point group choice has alternative indexing possibilities

Alternative indexing possibilities are marked '*' if the cells are 
  too different at the maximum resolution

    CellDifference(A) ReindexOperator
  1      0.0          [h,k,l]
  2      4.1 *        [-k,h,l]

Writing unmerged data to file /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp  in space 
group P 21 21 21

   Reindexing operator         [h,k,l]

   Real space transformation   (x,y,z)

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 New
             45.5900   46.9098  149.8396   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 18

 * Number of Reflections = 324574

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Number of Batches = 269

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H Y B J Q J Q R R R R R R I I R

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   45.5900   46.9098  149.8396   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00018    0.19613     (     74.920 -      2.258 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     4     5

 * Space group = 'P 21 21 21' (number     19)

  (spacegroup is known)

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please cite $$
P.R.Evans, 'Scaling and assessment  of data quality' Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82  
<a href="http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2006/01/00/ba5084/index.html";>
P.R.Evans, 'An introduction to data reduction: space-group determination, 
scaling and intensity statistics' Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292 (2011)
<a href="http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2011/04/00/ba5158/index.html";>
 ### CCP4 7.0.078: AIMLESS            version 0.7.4 : 13/12/18##
 User: unknown  Run date: 16/ 6/2021 Run time: 10:32:45 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

==== Command line arguments ====
HKLIN /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp
HKLOUT /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_3_mtz.tmp
SCALES /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17.scales
ROGUES /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogues.log
NORMPLOT /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_normplot.xmgr
ANOMPLOT /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_anomplot.xmgr
ROGUEPLOT /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogueplot.xmgr
XMLOUT /home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_aimless.xml

Release Date: 13th December 2018

==== Input command lines ====

title scale_data_without_merging
output &
    mtz UNMERGED
## This script run with the command   ##########
# /usr/bin/CCP4/ccp4-7.0/bin/aimless HKLIN 
"/tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp" HKLOUT 
"/tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_3_mtz.tmp" SCALES 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17.scales" ROGUES 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogues.log" NORMPLOT 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_normplot.xmgr" ANOMPLOT 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogueplot.xmgr" XMLOUT 

====     End of input    ====

        *                                                    *
        *                      AIMLESS                       *
        *                       0.7.4                        *
        *                                                    *
        *     Scaling & analysis of unmerged intensities     *
        *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
        *                                                    *


Reading data from HKLIN filename: /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp

Reflection list generated from file: /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp

Title: Untitled

   Space group from HKLIN file : P 21 21 21
   Cell:    45.59   46.91  149.84   90.00   90.00   90.00
   Resolution range in file:     74.92        2.26

Time for reading HKLIN: cpu time: 0.28 secs, elapsed time: 0.0 secs

   Resolution range accepted:    74.92        2.26

   Number of reflections  =         15828
   Number of observations =        157004
   Number of parts        =        324574
   Number of batches      =           269
   Number of datasets     =             1

 * Dataset information *
      Project: New Crystal: New Dataset: New
         Unit cell:     45.59   46.91  149.84   90.00   90.00   90.00
         Wavelength:  0.99993
         Runs:       1
      Run number:   1 consists of batches 1 - 269
         Resolution range for run:    74.92        2.26
         Phi range:    90.51 to   359.51   Time range:    90.51 to   359.51
         Closest reciprocal axis to spindle: b* (angle   16.7 degrees)

   Average unit cell:    45.59   46.91  149.84   90.00   90.00   90.00
Selection of intensity type (Isum or Ipr) will be optimised
Profile fitted value Ipr will be used for 1st scaling

Handling of partials:
  MPART flags are checked
  Summed partials accepted if total fraction is between  0.95 &  1.05

    3005  partial sets rejected with total fraction too small
     294  partial sets rejected with total fraction too large
       0  partial sets rejected with gaps

Outlier rejection parameters:
In scaling:
Reflections measured 3 or more times:   6 maximum deviation from weighted mean 
of all other observations
Reflections measured twice:   6 maximum deviation from weighted mean
   Policy for deviant reflections measured twice: KEEP
Reflections judged implausibly large will be rejected
     Maximum and minimum normalised F (ie E) for acentric reflection     10.00, 
     Maximum and minimum normalised F (ie E) for centric reflection      13.94, 

In merging:
Reflections measured 3 or more times:   6 maximum deviation from weighted mean 
of all other observations
Reflections measured twice:   6 maximum deviation from weighted mean
   Policy for deviant reflections measured twice: KEEP
Reflections judged implausibly large will be rejected
     Maximum and minimum normalised F (ie E) for acentric reflection     10.00, 
     Maximum and minimum normalised F (ie E) for centric reflection      13.94, 

Parallisation of refinement:
Refinement stages will use a single processor

NB The detector type for run   1 appears to be a 3x3 tiled CCD detector
 A TILE scale model has therefore been added to the general SCALES specification
 This may be switched off using the command SCALES NOTILE

>>>> Layout of scale factors: <<<<

Run     1
Smooth scaling:    56 scales at intervals of  4.981 over range   90.51 to  
359.51 in  54 parts
Smooth B-factors:  15 scales at intervals of  20.69 over range   90.51 to  
359.51 in  13 parts
Secondary beam correction in camera frame, lmax =    4,    3
Tile correction for CCD detector, number of tiles:  3 x  3

Secondary beam parameters will be TIED to zero, ie restrained to a sphere, 
      with a standard deviation of  0.005, number of ties    24
Detector parameters r,w,A0 will be TIED across the tiles, with SDs   0.010,  
0.010, 0.0010
  radius parameter r will be tied to target  0.7000 with SD 0.0100
  width parameter w will be tied to target  0.4000 with SD 0.0100
  amplitude parameter A0 will be tied to zero with SD 0.0010
  and tile centre positions (x0,y0) will be tied to the true centre with SD  
   Fourier coefficients of variation of A will be tied to zero with SD  0.002

Parameter variances (DIAGONAL) will be used for sigma(I) estimates

========= Initial scaling =========

The average fractional overlap = Noverlapped/Ntotal, where Noverlapped is the 
number of observations
with equivalent observations in a different rotation range, and Ntotal is the 
total number of observations

Average fractional overlap between rotation ranges for run     1
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      
1.00      1.00      1.00
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      
1.00      1.00      1.00
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      0.99      
1.00      1.00      1.00
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      
1.00      1.00      1.00
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      
1.00      1.00      1.00
      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00

Overall fractional overlap between rotation ranges  1.00, minimum  0.99

   Optimization statistics macrocycle #1
   Cycle  end-this-cycle  change-from-start  change-from-last  
   start   -7234981.881                                 
   #1      -3044193.362   4190788.519        4190788.519
   #2      -3036675.395   4198306.486           7517.967
   #3      -3036669.237   4198312.644              6.158
   #4      -3036669.237   4198312.644              0.000

Initial scales for run     1
     0.828     0.861     0.779     0.847     0.792     0.897     0.837     
0.878     0.842     0.975
     0.924     0.955     0.882     0.821     0.799     0.842     0.867     
0.809     0.777     0.779
     0.882     0.863     0.916     0.984     0.864     0.947     0.893     
0.937     0.987     1.044
     1.042     1.082     1.110     1.132     1.175     1.216     1.216     
1.340     1.194     1.287
     1.192     1.321     1.292     1.294     1.207     1.255     1.415     
1.378     1.246     1.186
     1.145     1.280     1.349     1.212

Time for initial scaling: cpu time: 0.06 secs, elapsed time: 0.0 secs

Sufficient rotation ranges are above the minimum threshold for fractional 
overlap between rotation ranges =  0.05

========= First round scaling =========

First scaling:    3263 reflections selected from    15828 with I/sd >   4.00, 
using every   3'th reflection above that limit

   Optimization statistics macrocycle #1
   Cycle  end-this-cycle  change-from-start  change-from-last  
   start    -212440.809                                 
   #1       -173810.689     38630.120          38630.120
   #2       -170990.424     41450.385           2820.265


Number of outliers within I+ || I- sets:   2734,  between I+ & I-      0, on 
|E|max      0

Time for 1st scaling: cpu time: 1.54 secs, elapsed time: 2.0 secs

========= Optimising selection of intensity estimate =========

The input HKLIN file contains two estimates of intensity,
a summation integration value Isum and a profile-fitted value Ipr
The optimisation here chooses the value which gives the smallest overall Rmeas:
either Ipr, Isum or a combination of the two based on the Iraw value, where
Iraw is the Isum value back-corrected for Lorentz and Polarisation

Mean Iraw for all data:     3219.4

Rmeas also printed for inner and outer resolution ranges

                         Intensity type        Rmeas       Inner       Outer
                     Resolution range (A)        All   74.9-8.97   2.33-2.26
                   Summation intensities      0.3319      0.0459      2.4302
                     Profile intensities      0.2661      0.0581      2.1206
        Combined intensities Imid = 2575      0.2671      0.0454      2.1177
        Combined intensities Imid = 3863      0.2656      0.0455      2.1195
        Combined intensities Imid = 4507      0.2653      0.0455      2.1199
        Combined intensities Imid = 4185      0.2654      0.0455      2.1197
        Combined intensities Imid = 4346      0.2654      0.0455      2.1198
        Combined intensities Imid = 4427      0.2653      0.0455      2.1198

Best value:
        Combined intensities Imid = 4507      0.2653      0.0455      2.1199

Combined intensities will be used:
  weighted mean of profile-fitted (Ipr) & summation (Isum) intensities
    I = w * Ipr + (1-w) * Isum
    w = 1/(1+(Iraw/4507.1)^3)

Time for optimisation of intensity type selection: cpu time: 0.39 secs, elapsed 
time: 0.0 secs

First rough optimisation and analysis of standard deviations

Weighting scheme for averages: variance weights

Run    1 has fulls & partials

For run 1, slopes (full, partial) of central part of normal probability plot =  
 1.39,   1.34
  Correction applied to parameters for fulls and partials

SD correction parameters after normal probability correction
                                  Fulls                        Partials
    Run                    SdFac    SdB   SdAdd  ISa    SdFac    SdB   SdAdd  
      1 Fulls & partials    1.39   0.00  0.0200 35.9     1.34   0.00  0.0200 

I+ and I- will be kept separate in SD optimisation

For SD optimisation, number of outliers within I+ || I- sets:    184,  between 
I+ & I-      0, on |E|max      0

  10848 reflections selected for SD optimisation out of    15828 in file

Damping factor: 0.050
No restraints on SD correction parameters
Cycle   1 residual    0.54324
Cycle   2 residual    0.16294
Cycle   3 residual    0.05386
Cycle   4 residual    0.02070
Cycle   5 residual    0.01353
Cycle   6 residual    0.01274

SD correction parameters after optimisation
                                  Fulls                        Partials
    Run                    SdFac    SdB   SdAdd  ISa    SdFac    SdB   SdAdd  
AllRuns Fulls & partials    0.96   0.00  0.1310  7.9     1.15   0.00  0.1063  

Time for SD optimisation = cpu time: 1.10 secs, elapsed time: 1.0 secs

Number of outliers within I+ || I- sets:    103,  between I+ & I-      0, on 
|E|max      0

========= Main scaling =========

Main scaling:    6506 reflections selected from    15828 with |E^2| >   0.80 
and |E^2| <   5.00

   Optimization statistics macrocycle #1
   Cycle  end-this-cycle  change-from-start  change-from-last  
   start    -117345.810                                 
   #1       -116176.071      1169.739           1169.739
   #2       -115759.491      1586.319            416.580
   #3       -115506.528      1839.282            252.963
   #4       -115490.755      1855.055             15.773
   #5       -115487.849      1857.961              2.906
   #6       -115487.849      1857.961              0.000

Scale parameters:

Run     1
Primary scales and number of observations

Scales:    1.086    1.000    0.981    0.970    1.068    1.028    1.023    1.052 
   1.022    0.994
Sd:        0.077    0.022    0.016    0.016    0.017    0.015    0.016    0.017 
   0.016    0.015
Nobs:       1103     2245     3519     3607     3610     3429     3382     3378 
    3392     3325

Scales:    1.026    1.000    0.985    0.987    1.003    0.985    0.993    1.011 
   1.014    0.996
Sd:        0.018    0.018    0.017    0.016    0.016    0.016    0.015    0.015 
   0.015    0.015
Nobs:       3267     3239     3224     3276     3333     3396     3357     3357 
    3465     3648

Scales:    0.982    0.968    0.991    0.960    0.987    0.990    0.953    0.957 
   0.969    0.988
Sd:        0.014    0.014    0.015    0.015    0.016    0.015    0.015    0.016 
   0.017    0.017
Nobs:       3645     3575     3556     3675     3789     3785     3851     3834 
    3880     3841

Scales:    0.927    0.971    1.072    1.067    1.093    1.134    1.182    1.240 
   1.238    1.221
Sd:        0.016    0.017    0.019    0.018    0.018    0.019    0.021    0.021 
   0.021    0.021
Nobs:       3850     3841     3808     3820     3791     3783     3709     3599 
    3610     3579

Scales:    1.290    1.251    1.267    1.278    1.196    1.225    1.141    1.236 
   1.150    1.136
Sd:        0.024    0.022    0.023    0.024    0.024    0.024    0.023    0.027 
   0.027    0.025
Nobs:       3599     3426     3409     3333     3415     3291     3264     3128 
    3145     3166

Scales:    1.149    1.108    1.212    1.226    1.234    1.302
Sd:        0.024    0.024    0.028    0.028    0.035    0.123
Nobs:       3267     3359     3335     3279     2135     1067

Relative B-factors and number of observations

B-factors:    0.755   -1.725    0.000   -1.740   -2.039   -4.374   -7.453  
-10.286  -14.145  -13.918
Sd:           1.211    0.359    0.306    0.362    0.302    0.295    0.321    
0.368    0.389    0.394
Nobs:          4870     9577    14093    13852    14077    14667    15373    
15716    15754    15313

B-factors:  -15.316  -16.864  -20.739  -23.466  -23.606
Sd:           0.429    0.487    0.631    0.727    2.367
Nobs:         14659    13890    13589     8968     4593

Secondary scales

Scale set   1
Coefficient(Sd):  0.0434(41)   -0.0043(40)   -0.0043(44)    0.0133(33)    
0.0094(34)    0.0057(43)  
Coefficient(Sd):  0.0160(42)    0.0264(47)    0.0087(19)   -0.0120(20)    
0.0094(26)    0.0068(31)  
Coefficient(Sd): -0.0242(41)   -0.0121(40)    0.0058(29)    0.0127(16)   
-0.0147(15)    0.0075(23)  
Coefficient(Sd): -0.0080(22)   -0.0311(36)    0.0307(40)   -0.0008(32)   
-0.0238(31)   -0.0591(43)  

Detector scales for 3 x 3 tiles
Tile correction for CCD detector

   Scale up the corners of the tiles to allow for fall-off in the taper
   Inverse scale g calculated from coordinate within the tile (xd,yd) as
     g = (A/2) erfc(z) + 1 - A
      where A is amplitude and z = 2(d - r - w)/w
       d is the distance of the pixel (xd, yd) from the effective tile centre 
(x0, y0)
       r is the radius of the fall-off
       w is the width (steepness) of the fall-off
   r,w,A and x0,y0 are refined
   A is parameterised as a constant (A0) + a 4-parameter Fourier series

    Tile parameters arranged with Xdet across and Ydet down
    Numbers in the corners are the number of observations contributing to the 
| 0                            1886 || 1423                         1952 || 
1781                            0 |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
|      r=  0.66(1), w=  0.39(1)     ||      r=  0.74(1), w=  0.43(1)     ||     
 r=  0.75(1), w=  0.43(2)     |
| A=0.20(0){-0.00,0.00,-0.00,-0.00} || A=0.20(0){-0.00,-0.00,0.00,-0.00} ||  
A=0.20(0){0.00,-0.00,-0.00,0.00} |
|      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||     
 SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     |
|  Tile centre: -0.01(1), -0.03(1)  ||   Tile centre: 0.03(1), 0.01(1)   ||   
Tile centre: -0.03(1), 0.03(1)  |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
| 6766                         4445 || 2373                         3140 || 
3796                         2339 |
| 9294                         4489 || 2094                         5047 || 
4437                         5491 |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
|      r=  0.70(1), w=  0.41(1)     ||      r=  0.69(0), w=  0.39(0)     ||     
 r=  0.73(1), w=  0.43(1)     |
| A=0.20(0){-0.00,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00} ||   A=0.20(0){0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00}  ||  
A=0.20(0){0.00,0.00,0.00,-0.00}  |
|      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||     
 SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     |
|   Tile centre: 0.03(1), 0.04(1)   ||  Tile centre: -0.05(1), -0.00(1)  ||  
Tile centre: -0.02(1), -0.01(1)  |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
| 6570                         2960 || 2088                         4971 || 
5419                         5878 |
| 5866                         3349 || 2190                         3780 || 
4761                         2522 |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
|      r=  0.73(1), w=  0.42(1)     ||      r=  0.71(1), w=  0.41(1)     ||     
 r=  0.71(1), w=  0.42(1)     |
|  A=0.20(0){-0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00}  || A=0.20(0){0.00,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00} ||  
A=0.20(0){0.00,0.00,-0.00,-0.00} |
|      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||      SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     ||     
 SDs(0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)     |
|   Tile centre: 0.02(1), -0.02(1)  ||  Tile centre: -0.01(1), -0.00(1)  ||  
Tile centre: -0.01(1), -0.00(1)  |
|                                   ||                                   ||     
| 0                            1459 || 1016                         1903 || 
1358                            0 |

Time for main scaling: cpu time: 10.45 secs, elapsed time: 10.0 secs

Secondary scale corrections, in goniometer frame (SECONDARY)

Calculated for polar angles of theta (colatitude from 0 at N pole, 180 at S 
pole) and phi (longitude)
Printed only for angular ranges containing data

Range of secondary corrections: 0.838 - 1.222

Secondary scale number   1
 Theta   0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100  110  120  130  
140  150  160  170 
    0    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.90 0.90 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.93   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   10    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.90 0.92 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.96   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   20    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.91 0.95 0.99 1.02 1.01 0.98   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   30    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.92 0.97 1.03 1.07 1.06 1.01   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   40    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.92 0.98 1.06 1.10 1.08 1.02   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   50    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.92 0.98 1.06 1.11 1.09 1.02   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   60    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.91 0.98 1.06 1.11 1.09 1.02   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   70    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.90 0.97 1.05 1.10 1.09 1.02   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   80    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.90 0.97 1.05 1.10 1.09 1.03   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
   90    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.91 0.98 1.06 1.12 1.11 1.04   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  100    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.94 1.00 1.08 1.14 1.14 1.07   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  110    -    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.03 1.11 1.17 1.16   -    -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  120    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  130    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  140    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  150    -    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.08 1.12 1.14 1.12   -    -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  160    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.04 1.08 1.11 1.12 1.10 1.05   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  170    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.03 1.07 1.11 1.12 1.09 1.04   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  180    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.02 1.07 1.12 1.13 1.10 1.04   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  190    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.01 1.08 1.14 1.16 1.12 1.05   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  200    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.99 1.08 1.16 1.19 1.14 1.05   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  210    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.98 1.08 1.18 1.21 1.16 1.05   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  220    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.97 1.08 1.19 1.22 1.16 1.04   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  230    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.96 1.08 1.19 1.22 1.14 1.02   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  240    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.96 1.08 1.18 1.20 1.12 1.00   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  250    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.97 1.09 1.18 1.19 1.10 0.98   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  260    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.99 1.10 1.19 1.19 1.09 0.97   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  270    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.02 1.13 1.20 1.19 1.09 0.97   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  280    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.04 1.14 1.21 1.18 1.09 0.97   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  290    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.05 1.14 1.19 1.17 1.08 0.98   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  300    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.05 1.11 1.15 1.13 1.06 0.98   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  310    -    -    -    -    -    -  1.02 1.07 1.09 1.07 1.02 0.96   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  320    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.99 1.01 1.02 1.01 0.98 0.95   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  330    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.95 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.93   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  340    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92   -    -    
-    -    -    - 
  350    -    -    -    -    -    -  0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92   -    -    
-    -    -    - 

$TABLE: Histogram of secondary corrections:
$GRAPHS:Histogram of secondary corrections:N:2,3:
    N  SecScale   Number   $$ $$
    8      0.82     6532
    9      0.84    14337
   10      0.86    17460
   11      0.88    19258
   12      0.90    29529
   13      0.92    19783
   14      0.94    12709
   15      0.96     8881
   16      0.98     6411
   17      1.00     4861
   18      1.02     3501
   19      1.04     2717
   20      1.06     2153
   21      1.08     2914
   22      1.10     2441
   23      1.12       80

<B><FONT COLOR="#FF8800">


FATAL ERROR message: 
OpenFile: cannot open file TILEIMAGE.img


$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please cite $$
P.R.Evans and G.N.Murshudov, 'How good are my data and what is the resolution?' 
Acta Cryst. D69, 1204-1214  (2013).
<a href="http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2013/07/00/ba5190/index.html";>

End of aimless job, total time: cpu time: 18.05 secs, elapsed time: 18.0 secs

* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: /usr/bin/CCP4/ccp4-7.0/bin/aimless HKLIN 
"/tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp" HKLOUT 
"/tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_3_mtz.tmp" SCALES 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17.scales" ROGUES 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogues.log" NORMPLOT 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_normplot.xmgr" ANOMPLOT 
"/home/linchenlab/ccp4/jiangxu/alpha1actx/alpha1actx_17_rogueplot.xmgr" XMLOUT 
has failed with error message
OpenFile: cannot open file TILEIMAGE.img

#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "OpenFile: cannot open file TILEIMAGE.img"
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 16 Jun 2021  10:33:03
#CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES  /tmp/linchenlab/alpha1actx_17_2_mtz.tmp 
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed


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