On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 08:44:03PM +0100, Kay Diederichs wrote:
> The following sentences (which are somewhat difficult to understand
> for me) in https://www.ccp4.ac.uk/html/freerflag.html appear to
> document that: "The FreeR_flag is randomly and uniformly distributed
> reflexion-by-reflexion, but, additionally, if the keyword NOSYM is not
> set, all reflections that are equivalent by the symmetry of the point
> group of the twin lattice (assuming the data is twinned), obtain the
> same flag. This includes both the possibility of merohedral and
> pseudomerohedral twinning. In the latter case, the obliquity parameter
> can be set using the keyword OBL."
> I wonder since which CCP4 version (or date) this is the default
> behaviour.

Hi Kay,

I believe it has been default since October 2015 but I'm not sure which
version of CCP4 it was. 6.4 probably. In the previous version (6.3, I
think), the default was to check the twinning (pseudo) symmetries only,
but not the point group symmetries.

The keyword NOSYM is there to retain the old behaviour of the program,
which didn't check any symmetries. 

I'll try to improve the doc to make it clearer. Thanks for the feedback.

Best wishes,

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