Dear Colleagues,

  The next High Data Rate Macromolecular Crystallography (HDRMX)
meeting will be held on 27 and 28 April 2022 from 9 am to 1 pm, New
York time, as a virtual zoom meeting.

The rate at which data are acquired for macromolecular crystallography at
synchrotrons is continually increasing due to brighter sources, more finely
focused X-ray beams, and faster detectors.

This increased rate of data acquisition creates new opportunities for real
time data analysis that were previously not possible, in addition it also
creates challenges regarding computing hardware and network infrastructure.
This meeting will provide a forum for beamline scientists, engineers, and
detector manufacturers from around the world to discussprogress in
addressing the opportunities and challenges arising from higher data
acquisition rates.

This meeting will also allow MX beamlines at light sources around the world
to share their current status and future updates as well as provide
detector manufacturers with an opportunity to gather requirements for the
next generation of MX detectors.

The scheduled speakers are:

27 April 2022:

  Jie Nan, Oskar Aurelius, MAXIV

  Max Burian, Diego Gaemperle, DECTRIS Ltd

  Filip Leonarski, PSI

  Graeme Winter, Diamond Light Source

  Felix Wittwer, LBL

  Aaron Brewster, LBL

28 April 2022:

  Daniel Eriksson, Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO

  Francisco Hernandez Vivanco, Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO

  Marina Nikolova, EMBL

  Thomas White, DESY

  Jon Schuermann, Cornell University/APS NE-CAT

  Alexei Soares, NSLS-II BNL

There will be a discussion period at the end of each day.

Among the topics to be discussed are changes needed to

cope with moderately higher detector data rates in the

near term and much higher data rates -- in the thousands

of frames per second -- possible in the longer term.

If you are interested in attending via Zoom, please register


  -- Dale Kreitler,

     Herbert J. Bernstein,


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