Dear all,

Please find attached a message concerning a satellite workshop during ECM33, of great interest to the biology and chemistry community.

All the best,

Jean Denis Pedelacq


Dear Colleagues,

The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), curated by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), lies at the interface of chemistry and structural biology. In addition to a comprehensive database of over one million organic and metal-organic crystal structures, the CCDC develops and maintains the CSD software, which harnesses the wealth of information in this database to help scientists - chemists and biologists - better understand their structures.

Before the opening of the 33rd European Congress of Crystallography in Versailles, the French network of professional crystallographers (ЯÉCIPROCS), the structural biology group of the French Association of Crystallography (AFC), and the CCDC would like to bring together chemists and biologists at a "satellite" workshop on the tools of the CSD (August 23, 2022). After a general presentation and a demonstration of the available tools, a more practical part requiring the use by participants of their own laptops will take place.

More information and registration here. <>

Sincerely yours

Arie van der Lee

A. van der Lee
Institut Européen des Membranes
CNRS - UMR 5635
Université de Montpellier - Case Courrier 047
Place E. Bataillon
Tel : 33 (0) 4 67 14 91 35
vice-president of the European Crystallographic Association
member of RECIPROCS <> <>


Jean-Denis PEDELACQ       jean-denis.pedelacq AT ipbs DOT fr
Research Scientist
Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale  (IPBS)
UMR 5089 - BP 64182 /  Structural Biology and Biophysics Dpt
205 route de Narbonne  /  31077 TOULOUSE Cedex 04  /  FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 496             Fax : +33 (0)561 175 994


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