I am not familiar with Macs, but on Linux the first problem could be easily 
solved by having the desktop shortcut call a brief shell script rather than the 
executable. The script would first set up the environment properly, then call 
the executable.

 All Things Serve the Beam
                                 David J. Schuller
                                 modern man in a post-modern world
                                 MacCHESS, Cornell University
From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Kay Diederichs 
Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2023 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Error in xdsgui: you have to install generate_XDS.INP in 
your path

Dear Zhen Gong,

Installation of XDS and associated programs is documented in the "Installation" 
article in XDSwiki.
If I google "XDSwiki installation article", it is the first hit.

Your PATH is probably different when you double-click XDSGUI to start it, 
compared to what it is on the command line.
So don 't double-click it! Start XDSGUI from the command line - this way you 
also see error messages from generate_XDS.INP, and output of POINTLESS and Coot.
Use the latest versions of the programs.

Concerning HDF5 processing, read the Installation article.
As Graeme said, you need a library, and you need to tell XDS where it is, with 
a LIB= line in XDS.INP .
There are different library versions for Intel Mac and Silicon Mac.
if you have a Silicon Mac, I recommend to use the specific Silicon Mac versions 
of XDS, XDSGUI and the library.

Hope this helps,

On Sat, 3 Jun 2023 18:24:24 +0100, Zhen Gong <zg2...@cumc.columbia.edu> wrote:

>Dear all,
>I have encountered this problem in xdsgui: you have to install 
>generate_XDS.INP in your path. Generate_XDS.INP works fine in command line but 
>not in the GUI. I saw the same question was raised up by another user 
>previously on CCP4bb but I was not able to see Key's reply any more.
>Thank you very much for your help!
>Best regards,
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