
I did consider that and as there will be more that the few I had planned.
I can do that. I thought I might call it a Replic8 or a Fake8 or Makan8 for the kit.

I am some what flattered that my humble efforts at artwork could be mistaken for the real thing. Thinking back some forty years I seem to remember that whilst at DEC I heard that they (the panels)
were made removable so OEM's could brand their own systems.

Mind you there was also a story that college students could remove one in under 60 seconds

On 08/06/2015 16:32, William Donzelli wrote:
Suggestion: it’s a good practice in general for replicas to be marked explictly 
as a replica.  The marking can be very small and inconspicuous, but it seems 
like good form to have one.
Yes, I was going to mention this as well. The trick (which is not hard
at all) is to make the marking declaring it a replica hidden from
normal view, but in such a place where it would be discovered easily
during an audit or inspection.

And, yes, DEC panels did have minor variations in artwork. For example
stock green PDP-12 panels come in at least two versions - early ones
have lower case in the markings, but later ones do not.


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