There was a letter that went to a large terminals digital oem in about 1975 stating as below as being the position.
Guess who signed the letter? I''ll give you a hint. It wasn't Ken Olsen!

On 09/06/2015 15:30, Paul Koning wrote:
On Jun 9, 2015, at 3:58 AM, Rod Smallwood <> wrote:

DEC was very keen on its OEM business and if the order was big enough would 
allow some variation in colours but would not allow the dec logo to be removed 
or changed.
I’m not sure if that’s completely true.  I remember a PDP11 (11/45 probably) at 
the University of Illinois, around 1975.  It was used as a terminal controller 
for ARPAnet.  The system was called ANTS (not sure what that stands for), and 
it had a custom logo panel for the top of the H960 racks, in red and yellow, 
showing large ants crawling all along the cabinets.

Not allowing the logo to be changed would make sense, since that is one of the 
rules of trademarks: you risk losing a trademark if you don’t use it 
consistently, for example if you create or allow variations of what was 


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