On 08/14/2015 09:27 AM, Jay Jaeger wrote:

When I look at the cartridge guide without the spindle clamp in
place, it is now centered above the spindle, and at the same distance
from the spindle as my drive that does not have these issues.

Anybody have any experience like this?  Thoughts?  There really
isn't much to adjust on these things.

Is this a drive that you've had in service for some time, or did you just take possession of the drive?

If the latter, I suspect that someone's already tinkered with the drive. The first place that I'd look would be the spindle assembly itself--when you pull the spindle drive pulley, things tend to fall out all over the place. There's a significant preload on the spindle and bearings. The hub clamp itself more or less "floats", and centers itself, so no real issues there unless the clamp itself is damaged.

My own worthless .02,

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