On 8/14/2015 1:33 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:

> On 08/14/2015 09:27 AM, Jay Jaeger wrote:
>> When I look at the cartridge guide without the spindle clamp in
>> place, it is now centered above the spindle, and at the same distance
>> from the spindle as my drive that does not have these issues.
>> Anybody have any experience like this?  Thoughts?  There really
>> isn't much to adjust on these things.
> Is this a drive that you've had in service for some time, or did you
> just take possession of the drive?

This drive is a new recruit.

> If the latter, I suspect that someone's already tinkered with the drive.

Really, the only sign of that was the spring on the ejection assembly
being a bit stretched.  No signs anywhere else.

>  The first place that I'd look would be the spindle assembly
> itself--when you pull the spindle drive pulley, things tend to fall out
> all over the place.  There's a significant preload on the spindle and
> bearings.   The hub clamp itself more or less "floats", and centers
> itself, so no real issues there unless the clamp itself is damaged.

The spindle itself is solid as a rock.  No wobble at all (the 1/2 track
wobble I see would be visible to the naked eye).  No vertical play
either.  Also, if it were the spindle, I doubt that I could ever get it
to work and exchange floppies with the other drive, and yet, with the
drive on its side (EITHER side) to maximize chances, I can usually get
it to behave.

Different insertions result in different results - from perfect and no
wobble to lots of wobble, all depending upon how I close the door.

The issue is clearly that the media sometimes doesn't sit onto the
spindle properly.

I am beginning to suspect that the spindle is too rough, perhaps, and
the media hangs up on it as the clamping occurs.  Plan to polish it up
some on the conical part (that the media should be slipping over, but
does not clamp to) to see if that helps.

> My own worthless .02,
> Chuck

Not worthless at all.


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