
Do remember that I'm fairly confident this is a DD machine (the described
daughterboard and v1.4 ROM are present), so the ability to write +SD+ might
not be of concern. It would be nice if the PC could do both, though..

So is there a difference between SD and DD CP/M - Osborne disk images? I
mean, other than the obvious storage capacity issue wherein the DD holds
roughly 2X the data.

If there's such a thing as an "SD" image, can it be written to a DD floppy
and still operate correctly?

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Fred Cisin <> wrote:

> Any sense of what PC models / controllers are capable of this task?
>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2015, Chris Osborn wrote:
>> Anything that will run ImageDisk or Teledisk will work. It doesn’t
>> necessarily have to be one of those computers, you could pull the 360k
>> drives from one of them and hook them into a “newer” PC that still has
>> 5.25” 360k floppy support. There’s usually 360k floppy support on
>> motherboards up to the Pentium III era.
> There are plenty of PCs that can run ImageDisk and/or Teledisk that CAN
> NOT do single density (FM).  Neither of those pieces of software alter the
> hardware capabilities of the machine.
> I personally use an old ABIT KT7A-RAID board which has a controller which
>> is capable of writing single-density/FM disks. I’ve got a half-height 5.25”
>> 360k drive in it connected as drive B and a 3.5” 1.44M as drive A. I’ve
>> used it quite often to create disks from my original TRS-80 Model I which
>> can only do SSSD. I’ve also used it to make disks for the Kaypro and even
>> make disks for my HP-150 which uses single-sided 3.5” disks.
> It is good that YOUR machine has FM/single-density capability.
> And, yes, if your machine can do TRS-80 Model 1, then it can do Osborne
> single density - those two machine use almost the same physical format
> (except for D.A.M. issues on TRS-80).   The first day that I saw an
> Osborne, I looked at sectors on those disks using Superzap (Model 1
> Newdos), and Trakcess.
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred       

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